Hernia Surgery

Hernia Surgery

Hernia Surgery in India - Symptoms, Causes, Treatment and Cost

The condition known as a hernia occurs when an organ protrudes through a hole in the surrounding muscle or tissue. For instance, a weakened part of the abdominal wall might allow the intestines to burst. It's possible for fascia, the connective or muscle tissue, to weaken and enable an organ or a piece of fat to push through. Among the most common types of hernias are the inguinal, femoral, incision, umbilical, and hiatal hernias.

Typically, hernias occur between your hips and your chest, but they may also occur in your right thigh or your groin. Even if the patient's life isn't in danger right away, it's vital to remember that hernias don't cure on their own. Surgery may be necessary to prevent life-threatening complications in certain circumstances.

What are the types of Hernia?

Surgery is the best option if you're suffering from an inguinal hernia, although some hernias may cure themselves with lifestyle adjustments and patience. The following are the most prevalent types of Hernia:

Hiatal or Hernia is when a portion of the stomach protrudes through a hole in the diaphragm and into the chest cavity.

Womb-supporting circular ligaments are seen in women's inguinal canals. Blood arteries going into the testicles traveling via this canal, which may become blocked by an inguinal hernia, a condition common in males. If you've been diagnosed with an inguinal hernia, you'll see that fat tissue or perhaps part of your intestine has protruded from the groin. This is the most prevalent form of Hernia, and males are more likely to suffer from it than women.

Near the navel, a hernia may be diagnosed when a fatty tissue bulge protrudes through the abdominal wall.

A fat tissue protrusion or a part of the intestine may protrude into the groin from the upper thigh. A femoral hernia is the medical term for this ailment. The incidence of femoral hernias is higher among women over the age of 50 than inguinal hernias.

What are the symptoms of a Hernia?

Hernias are quite frequent in children, particularly infants. They may occur if a portion of the baby's abdominal wall is already weak before birth. If your kid has one, you will most likely see a bulge in the region of their groin or at their belly button. In addition, it's possible that your infant won't feed and will scream a lot. Hernias often get enlarged when a youngster cries, coughs, or exerts themselves to defecate. You can also discover that their stomach is soft and delicate to the touch. The following is a more extensive list of hernia symptoms:

  • Scrotal swelling or a protrusion may be seen in the groin area (the pouch containing the testicles).
  • Experiencing pain when lifting
  • Pain that is worsening at the location of the bulge.
  • The size of the bulge continued to grow over time.
  • A sensation of fullness or indications of intestinal blockage may be present.
  • An achy, dull feeling throughout.
  • If a person has a hiatal hernia, no bulges will be visible on the body's surface. If you're experiencing these symptoms, you may have gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Hiatal Hernia

Your stomach's top portion bulging out from behind your major muscle that separates your belly from your chest is called a hiatal hernia (diaphragm). You get a hiatal hernia when the muscles in your diaphragm weaken, and your stomach pushes through the hole they've created. No one knows exactly why this occurs.

However, a hiatal hernia may also be caused by the following: Age-related diaphragmatic alterations, Injuries to the region, such as those that result from trauma or some kinds of surgery, may Having an exceptionally long gap in one's life, Strenuous activity or carrying heavy things that puts an abnormally high amount of tension on the muscles around the affected area.

Inguinal Hernia

When tissue, such as a portion of the intestine, protrudes through a weak area in the stomach muscles, a condition known as an inguinal hernia may develop. The bulge that develops as a consequence may be uncomfortable, particularly when you cough, lean down, or move anything heavy. On the other hand, most hernias do not produce any discomfort at all. The presence of an inguinal hernia does not automatically indicate the presence of a life-threatening condition.

Umbilical Hernia

Hernias that arise at the navel are called umbilical hernias, and weakness in the stomach wall causes them. An umbilical hernia is characterized by the presence of a bump in the navel. It may become more evident while the newborn is coughing, giggling, screaming, or going to the bathroom. The lump may diminish or go entirely when the youngster is comfortable and lying down.

An umbilical hernia can present with a wide range of symptoms. A constricting abdominal wall surrounding the Hernia might suffocate the protrusion and lead to discomfort, regardless of size. The discomfort might vary from hardly noticeable to excruciating. A person should make an appointment with a physician if you see any of the below mentioned Umbilical Hernia symptoms:

  • Does not lessen when the subject is lying down or when just a little pressure is applied.
  • Reaches a terrible point.
  • Swells up and takes on a discoloured appearance.
  • Happens in conjunction with throwing up.

Abdominal Hernia

It's possible that the weakening in your abdominal wall that allows the intestine to protrude through it is a normal aspect of your body's creation. Any intestines or other tissue protrusion through a weakening or breach in the stomach wall is referred to as an abdominal hernia. This condition is also known as an abdominal hernia. There are many subcategories of ventral hernias, including umbilical and incisional hernias. One's medical records, lifestyle, and particular anatomy may all play a role in determining the aetiology of a ventral hernia and the area of the Hernia itself.

Hernia in women

In the first place, it is essential to be aware of the fact that inguinal hernias may occur in either men or women. Many often believe that only males can acquire them, even though men have a greater risk due to their anatomy. But a hernia in the inguinal region is also a possibility for women.

Women often present with a distinct set of symptoms of hernia in women than males, which is one reason this ailment is likely underdiagnosed in women, according to several specialists. It's possible some women don't have a prominent bulge. If your doctor cannot diagnose a hernia based on the findings of a physical examination, an MRI may confirm the condition.

  • Manifestations in Females
  • Burning feeling.
  • A dull ache or a severe agony.
  • Discomfort that becomes worse while the patient is active
  • If the Hernia is in the groin, there may be no bulge.

Best General Surgeons for Hernia Surgery in India

1. Dr. Vicky Kuldeep

Dr. Vicky Kuldeep is a one of the top doctors for general surgery. He is famous for laparoscopic surgery for hernia surgeries in India, Delhi. He is an expert in laparoscopic surgery for gallbladder stone removal, hernia surgery, colostomy, bowel surgery, and colon and rectal cancer surgeries.


2. Dr. Sumeet Shah

Dr. Sumeet Shah is one of the best General Surgeons in India, Delhi. He is an efficient Laparoscopic Surgeon and Bariatric Surgeon. Dr Sumeet Shah has a high success rate in hernia repair surgery, circumcision, splenectomy, and gall bladder stone treatment.


3. Dr. Vinay Kumar Shaw

Dr. Vinay Kumar Shaw is a top gastrointestinal and bariatric surgeon. He has more than 18 years of surgical experience. He has successfully done over 5000 surgeries till now. He has treatment specialization for complex hernia repair, gall bladder stone surgery, hemorrhoids, and anal fistula surgery.


4. Dr. Arvind Kumar

Dr. Arvind Kumar is a pioneer in general surgery and laparoscopic surgery. He has operated on many patients laparoscopically who have cancer. He has efficiency in gastrointestinal surgery, bariatric surgery, colectomy surgery, and all kinds of laparoscopic general surgeries.


5. Dr. Nikhil Narain

Dr. Nikhil Narain is the proctologist and leading general surgeon in India, Delhi. He has proficiency in laparoscopic hernia surgery, laser varicose veins treatment, laser circumcision treatment, laparoscopic hernia repair, and laparoscopic gallbladder stone removal.


Hernia in men

If the Hernia in the inguinal region is not surgically corrected, it will almost always become larger over time. Large hernias in males may often expand into the scrotum, which results in discomfort and swelling. The fluids of a hernia can block and cause severe discomfort, vomiting and diarrhoea if they get lodged in a weak spot in the abdominal wall.

A strangulated hernia poses a serious risk to the patient's life and needs emergency treatment. The afflicted gut tissue may perish if strangulation is allowed to continue. If your Hernia is incarcerated, it might prevent blood from reaching a portion of your intestine.

What is the treatment for a hernia, and how does it work?

Surgery is the most common hernia operation for a hernia. Hernia surgery may be divided into open, laparoscopic, and robotic procedures.

Irregular bowel obstruction is contained in a hernia sac. A groin incision or cut is required for open hernia repair. Once the Hernia has been pushed back into the belly, the surgeon will use sutures or synthetic mesh to reinforce the abdominal wall. As soon as following possible surgery, most patients will be able to return home. Following surgery, you won't be allowed to engage in strenuous activities or exercise for at least four to six weeks.

Hernia surgery for women

An inguinal hernia is a lump that forms when many of the contents of your stomach protrude through the abdominal wall and generate a bulge. An inguinal hernia develops when there is a weakening in the muscles at the bottom of the abdomen, specifically at your inguinal canal. This may cause the intestines to protrude through the muscular wall. During an inguinal hernia repair, a bulge caused by a hernia is moved back to its proper location, and the abdominal wall is strengthened to prevent a future hernia from developing in the same location. Hernias do not heal on their own without medical treatment. Surgical intervention is often advised.

Open inguinal surgery is often used to treat hernias in female patients. Your physician will talk to you about this and go through their suggestions for therapy with you. Surgical repair of an inguinal hernia with a keyhole incision is often only advised in cases of recurring or bilateral inguinal hernias.

Does Surgery for Hernia Repair Need to Be Done?

Any of the following may prompt your doctor to prescribe it:

It is possible for some tissues, such as the intestine, to get entrapped inside the abdominal wall. Incarceration is the legal term for this kind of situation. Strangulation may occur if the condition is not addressed. At this point, the tissue's blood supply is cut off.

If you're experiencing pain or discomfort due to the Hernia, or if it's becoming bigger, get medical attention as soon as possible.

The obstruction stifles the Hernia. If left untreated, this might result in irreparable harm. The organs that have been strangled, such as most people's intestines, will die if they aren't removed fast enough. Fever, nausea, discomfort that worsens suddenly or a hernia that becomes red, purple, or black should prompt you to seek medical attention immediately.

After having surgery for a hernia, in what amount of time will I be able to return to my routine?

You will get a detailed plan from your surgeon, but they may not offer you an accurate period in advance. Before operating on a patient with a hernia, most medical professionals cannot accurately assess the severity of the condition.

In most cases, hernia operations are performed as outpatient procedures. In most cases, the sooner you can start moving again following the procedure, the better. This motion is beneficial in preventing blood clots as well as diarrhoea. Be careful to strictly stick to the directions given by the physician about the weights you are allowed to lift, how you must lift them, and the length of time you must be under any limitations; some of them may be lifelong.

The use of robots for hernia surgery

As previously mentioned, robotic surgery may now be utilized to repair the abdominal wall in addition to treating minor hernias or weak spots. Like laparoscopic hernia surgery, robotic surgery employs a laparoscope and is carried out similarly. Compared to laparoscopic surgery, robotic surgery allows the surgeon to control the surgical tools from a console while sitting in the operating room.

Compared to laparoscopic surgery, a robot gives superb three-dimensional pictures of the abdomen's internal structures. The advantages of robotic hernia surgery are similar to those of laparoscopic surgery. These advantages include the formation of numerous small scars rather than a single large incision scar, reduced discomfort following the procedure compared to open hernia surgery, a more rapid recovery, and a lower risk of infection.

Hernia Surgery FAQs

What does a hernia feel like?

Hernia is a bulge in the area on either side of the pubic bone. The bulge becomes more obvious at an upright position when you cough. One may feel an aching or burning sensation at the bulge. This results in discomfort while bending or coughing.

What should I do if I have a hernia?

If a hernia is painful or large, your doctor may suggest you visit a surgeon. You may require surgery to repair or cure the hernia.

Is hernia caused by stress?

Emotional stress is not responsible for a hernia. Hernia is caused by weak muscle walls. It may be due to inheritance. Sometimes physical stress or strain weakens muscle walls which can cause a hernia.

Can a hernia heal naturally?

It is a common question people ask a doctor. However, the answer is hernia cannot heal naturally. Surgery is required to cure hernia.

What is the most common cause of hernia?

One of the most common causes of hernia is heavy lifting or standing for long hours. The other few common causes are constipation, chronic cough, or pregnancy.