The end part of the digestive canal is the rectum where the feces is stored after completing the digestion. This rectum has a mucous membrane layer. Beneath this layer, there lies a cluster of veins. When these veins become swollen, we call it a condition called Hemorrhoids. It is commonly called piles. It looks like varicose veins. It can cause itching, pain, and sometimes bleeding. The piles' disease treatment options include home remedies. However, in severe cases, people need to have medical treatment and procedures. It can also occur on the skin around the anus.
The hemorrhoids that occur in the rectum are known as internal hemorrhoids. It is not visible or may not cause any discomfort. But it can cause some irritation and discomfort while passing feces. The symptoms of internal piles are:
The hemorrhoids that occur in the anal skin are known as external hemorrhoids. It is painful and irritating. The symptoms of external piles are:
There is a condition called Thrombosed Hemorrhoids. It is an external hemorrhoid that forms a blood clot known as a thrombus. The symptoms include:
The general cause of piles is the pressure buildup on the anal area which causes the stretch and it may swell or bulge. The increased pressure in the anus or the rectum can be caused by many reasons. Some of them are listed below.
In very rare cases, the presence of haemorrhoids can cause other issues in the body. The complication of hemorrhoids are:
■ Anemia: Anemia is a condition where there are not enough RBCs to carry the oxygen in the body. Hemorrhoids can give rise to anemia due to ongoing bleeding from the site of the hemorrhoid.
■ Blood Clot: Sometimes, a clot can be formed at the site of hemorrhoids and hence it is known as a thrombosed hemorrhoid. It is not too harmful but it may cause a lot of pain and it needs to be drained off.
■ Strangulated Hemorrhoid: Strangulated hemorrhoid causes a lot of pain. It happens when the internal hemorrhoid’s blood supply is cut off.
The causes of piles are the same for all the genders. However, in some cases, the causes of piles in females may differ from males. The symptoms of piles in females are:
■ Pregnancy: During pregnancy, there is an increase in pressure on the pelvic floor as you reach 36 weeks of pregnancy. This pressure causes the blood vessels to become swollen which causes piles. The piles that are caused during pregnancy are most likely to resolve on their own after the delivery of the baby.
■ Chronic constipation: Women are more susceptible to constipation because of constant hormonal changes that happen during pregnancy. Further, a poor diet lacking fiber can worsen constipation which causes strain on the anal area leading to piles.
■ Diarrhea: If anyone is suffering from diarrhea, it can also worsen the pain and irritation of the hemorrhoids which causes inflammation and swelling.
■ Sedentary Lifestyle: It is the same for all genders. Nowadays people are doing jobs that require prolonged sitting which is very bad for not just hemorrhoids, but for overall health. However, the longer sitting period exerts pressure on the pelvic floor of the body, which causes the glute muscles to speed. The veins near the rectum and anus stretch as a result of this and cause piles.
■ Heavy lifting: Most piles are common in older age. However, with an increase in fitness and health awareness, more people are joining gyms. Regular heavy lifting and intense exercise may lead to developing hemorrhoids.
There are many treatment options available in India for hemorrhoids. Based on the diagnosis, your doctor will recommend the best procedure for the treatment of piles. Most of the piles can be treated at home by increasing the fiber-rich food, drinking enough water, applying ointments, taking warm baths, etc. However, if your piles are severe, you need to get proper medical treatment. The treatment options available in India are:
The most preferred treatment for internal hemorrhoids is to stop the blood supply by shrinking and removing the blood vessels. Your doctor may use one of these procedures for internal hemorrhoids treatment:
■ Sclerotherapy: In this treatment, the doctor injects a solution in the area around the hemorrhoids. This chemical solution causes scarring and as a result, the hemorrhoid shrinks and becomes dry and smaller.
■ Rubber band ligation: This procedure is used for the internal hemorrhoids that have prolapsed. The doctor puts a medical tool like a rubber band around the base of the hemorrhoid. Due to this, the blood supply is stopped and hence, the hemorrhoid shrinks and dries and eventually falls off.
■ Infrared photocoagulation: As the name suggests, this procedure uses infrared light to treat the hemorrhoids. The doctor uses a medical tool that directs an infrared light on the hemorrhoid. Due to the heat of the light, the blood supply is stopped, and the hemorrhoid shrinks, dries, and falls off.
■ Electrocauterization: In this method, a doctor uses electric probes to make a small burn to remove the tissue and seal the base of the hemorrhoid. After this procedure, the blood supply is closed which causes the hemorrhoid to shrink and dry.
Most of the time external hemorrhoids can be treated with some home remedies like taking warm baths, applying ice packs, taking over-the-counter pain relievers, and applying ointments. The outer hemorrhoids treatment can be done with creams and ointments. Nowadays there are medicines known as suppositories that you put in the rectum. These medicines contain components like lidocaine that numbs the area. You should consult your doctor before doing anything on your own. However, if the condition is severe, then you need a medical procedure to treat the external hemorrhoids.
Most of the people with piles don’t need the surgery to remove the hemorrhoid. However, if other treatments have not worked for you, and if your hemorrhoid is larger than usual, your doctor will recommend surgery as the best option for you. Some of the surgical methods to treat the hemorrhoids are as follows:
■ Hemorrhoidectomy: As the name suggests, the hemorrhoids are removed in this surgery. This method has proved to be the best option for large external hemorrhoids and prolapsing internal hemorrhoids as they tend to recur after the less invasive treatments. But the hemorrhoids removed by this procedure do not reoccur. The procedure is simple yet has a slightly longer recovery period. During this procedure, you will be under anesthesia so that you won’t feel pain or discomfort. Your surgeon will cut the affected area and seal the veins. The wound is then either closed or left open depending on its location.
■ Hemorrhoidopexy: It is a hemorrhoid surgery that uses a stapling device to remove the hemorrhoid tissue. It is mostly used for internal prolapsed hemorrhoids. It cuts the hemorrhoid’s blood flow and places the prolapsed tissue back in its anatomical place. Over time, the hemorrhoid shrinks and dries and falls off. General anesthesia is given to the patient during this procedure.
CureIndia helps you choose the best doctor for hemorrhoid treatment. Most of the doctors in our associated hermmorhoid hospitals have been internationally trained and are active members of many international medical councils and associations.
Let's hear from some of the most reputed doctors for Hemorrhoid treatment in India.
Dr. Vicky Kuldeep is a renowned general surgeon in Delhi NCR. He has a specialization in laparoscopic surgery.
Dr. Sumeet Shah is one of the best general surgeons in India. He performs all types of general, laparoscopic, bariatric, and robotic surgeries.
Dr. Vinay Kumar Shaw is a specialist in fistula, gallbladder stone, hernia, bariatric, laser piles, laparoscopic, and GI surgery.
Dr. Arvind Kumar is the most experienced general surgeon with extensive knowledge. He has expertise in laparoscopic surgeries.
Dr. Nikhil Narain is a well-known proctologist. He has done thousands of general surgeries successfully.
The total hemorrhoid surgery cost in India depends on many factors, like your city, hospital, type of treatment, the severity of the condition, etc. However, the average package cost of hemorrhoid treatment in India can range between 1500 USD and 2500 USD. The cost of hemorrhoid treatment in India is very much lower than in other countries like the USA, where the total cost may be high up to 5500 USD, and in Thailand, from 3000 USD to 4000 USD.
Treatment Name | Cost in India | Stay in India |
Hemorrhoids Surgery in India | $2,000 | 7 Days |
The complete recovery after piles surgery can take about 4 to 8 weeks. The recovery period depends on the size, number, and severity of piles as well as your overall health condition. Once you reach home after the surgery, you should avoid any heavy activities for at least 1 or 2 weeks. After 2 weeks you can resume your normal activity but still avoid any heavy lifting exercises or any other heavy activity. Some discomfort and pain can be felt for a week after the surgery. However, it will go away as you heal. Make sure to avoid constipation and maintain wound care. Keep the area clean and dry by gently cleaning it.
The healthcare organizations in India are constantly upgrading and making an effort to provide top-notch medical care. The surgeons in Indian hospitals are internationally trained and have many years of knowledge and experience. The top hospitals of India are providing different packages for international patients. Also, the cost of stay, travel, medicines, etc. are very low as compared to other countries. You will get premium treatment at cost-effective prices. Furthermore, the medical team is with you from the consultation till the end of the treatment. You can always make a call and ask any query you might have post-surgery to your healthcare provider.
Hemorrhoids if not treated at the right time, can cause a lot of problems. This makes it important to receive proper hemorrhoids treatment. The treatment for hemorrhoids can cost you a lot in many different countries. It is beneficial for international patients to receive the best treatment at a low cost, which is achievable in India. Indian hospitals provide the best treatment at cost-effective prices. Also, there are different packages that Indian hospitals provide. This can help you choose the perfect treatment for you with a comfortable stay and other facilities.