Fistula Treatment

Fistula Treatment

Fistula Treatment in India: Causes, Symptoms and Doctors

A fistula is an improper connection between two bodily components, such as an organ or artery and another tissue. In most cases, fistulas develop as a consequence of trauma or surgery. A fistula may also occur as a result of an inflammation or infection. Normally, two separate organs or veins would not be able to communicate with each other via a fistula. They may form in a variety of locations, including the gut, the vagina, the skin, and the rectum. About 80% of the time, they occur in or near the anus.

An anal fistula treatment can nearly never be treated successfully without surgical intervention. A specialist in colon and rectal surgery will carry out the procedure. The elimination of the Fistula is one objective of the surgical procedure; another objective is to prevent any harm to the muscles of the anal sphincter, which, if compromised, might result in urinary incontinence.

What are the Fistula symptoms?

The abscesses leading to the Fistula are the source of a great deal of discomfort. It has the potential to produce excruciating pain as well as swelling in the area surrounding the anus. This discomfort is made much worse by having bowel motions. It is not uncommon for there to be discharge coming from the orifice around the anus. You might also be running a temperature and experiencing bleeding in the region. Fistulas in the ano-vaginal canal may result in various bothersome symptoms, including skin irritation and pain, and they do not often heal on their own. The following are some of the possible anal fistula symptoms:

  • The discomfort experienced when seated.
  • Swelling of the anus and subsequent pus and blood leakage.
  • An increase in circumference in the anal area.
  • The discomfort experienced with bowel motions.
  • A crimson colouration in the perianal region
  • There is a possibility that an abscess can develop, which will result in fever, inflammation, and inflammation in the area surrounding your anus.

For instance, a fistula connecting the vagina to the gut might result in the passage of gas or faeces via the vagina. An open wound in the skin between the gut and the skin may cause painful boils and the discharge of fluids or faees.

What are the causes of Fistula?

Numerous glands that produce fluid are located just within your anus. They might get obstructed or clogged for a variety of reasons. An infected pocket of tissue and fluid is formed when bacteria accumulation occurs. An abscess is a medical term for this. The abscess will spread if you don't have it treated. You'll eventually see a hole in your skin someplace around the anus, in which the filth that's within will be able to drain. A pipe from the gland to this hole is known as a fistula. In most cases, anal gland obstruction and abscess formation are to blame for developing an anal fistula. Fistulas may also be caused by a variety of other disorders, causes of fistula such as:

1. Anal Abscess

Abscesses are pus-filled spaces in the body that form when pus accumulates in one region of the body. When germs invade a tiny anal duct, an abscess form; if left untreated, anal fistulas may lead to more serious medical diseases, such as oesophagal cancer.

2. Inflammation in the intestines

The mucosa of the digestive tract is inflamed in this long-term disease. Inflammation of the tiny outpouchings or diverticula, which create many little pockets from the sidewalls of the colon, is yet another affliction that results in diverticulitis.

3. Cancer

In rare cases, anal Fistula may be caused by anorectal cancer. In this case, aberrant cell proliferation and the creation of tumours are both associated with the rectum, which is the distal region of the colon in which the faeces are kept before being eliminated.

4. Infections that are transmitted via sex

Anal Fistula is a possible side effect of several sexually transmitted diseases. Both Hiv / Aids are the result of viral infections that impair immune function. An anal abscess or an anal fistula may occur due to this greater vulnerability to contamination.

5. Tuberculosis

The lungs are the most common location for tuberculosis to manifest inside the body; however, the disease may manifest in any part of the body. It can have an effect on the rectum, leading to an anal abscess, which then travels to the surface, resulting in an anal fistula.

What are the signs of healing of the Fistula?

During the first one to two weeks after surgery, you may most likely have discomfort and blood during bowel movements. You may alleviate the discomfort associated with bowel movements by consuming sufficient amounts of fibre and water and utilizing laxatives and stool softeners. Taking a sitz bath, in which you sit in a bowl of warm water after using the restroom, can also be beneficial.

What are the symptoms of Anal Fistula?

As the name implies, an anal fistula is a gap between the buttocks' exterior skin and the anal canal's interior passage. The development of an anal fistula may occur if an anal abscess ruptures prior to receiving treatment or if it does not entirely heal after fistula treatment. The following is a list of the frequent fistula symptoms associated with an anal fistula:

  • The annoyance of the skin surrounding the region of the anus.
  • A discomfort in the anal area that may become more severe when the patient walks, sits, or coughs.
  • A reddening of the skin surrounding the anus.
  • Fatigue.
  • Foul scent.
  • Chills accompanied by a fever.
  • Rectal bleeding is occurring.
  • The discomfort experienced with bowel motions.

Anal fistula treatment may be quite challenging. Anal fistulas symptoms are usually always repaired surgically. However, most patients may be managed with pain medications for the time being. An outpatient technique to repair a fistula is available. It's possible that a short hospital stay may be required if the fistula tunnels are very large and extensive.

Primary therapy is medicine for Crohn's disease patients with fistulas since they are at greater risk of faecal incontinence. Surgery is only used to treat infections and as a complement to medicines.

Different kinds of fistulas may develop

As you already know, anal fistulas are the most prevalent. Fistulas aren't the only thing you need to be aware of. There are three main forms of anal fistula growths to be aware of, which are as follows:

1. Anorectal Fistula

An anorectal fistula is a name given to the condition that occurs when a fistula develops between the anal canal and the skin that surrounds the anal entrance. An anovaginal fistula occurs when a hole forms between the rectum or anus and the vagina. Some women may develop an indent between their colon and their vagina. Colovaginal Fistula is the medical term for this.

2. Between the Urine Bladder and the Uterus

Fistulas may also form between the urine bladder and the uterus. It's possible to develop a hole between the urethra (the tube that drains urine) and the vagina (the tube that drains sex).

3. Enteroenteric Fistula

Enteroenteric Fistula is the term used to describe a condition that occurs in the intestines whenever a fistula arises between two different sections of the same intestine. It is possible for a fistula to develop between the skin and the small intestine or colon.

What are the treatment options available for Fistula?

Surgery is the only option since there is no medicine to treat the problem. A doctor's office or clinic is the most common location for this operation to be performed. Hospitalization isn't necessary.


The physician will make an incision in the skin and the muscle surrounding the tunnel to repair a straightforward fistula that is not located too close to the anus. When the opening is healed inside, it can repair externally. They may seal the Fistula with a plug.

A seton tube, which is used to treat more difficult fistulas, may be inserted into the orifice. This aids in the removal of the infection-causing fluid prior to surgery. It may take up to six weeks.

Explain Laser Fistula Operation

Without surgery, there is no long-term solution to the problem of fistula formation. Laser fistula operation is a new and cutting-edge therapy option. A laser-emitting probe is used to seal the Fistula without cutting it. The operation only takes around 25-30 minutes.

Exactly how does one go about doing this?

When a fistula is laser-closed, the laser fiber is inserted from the exterior of the Fistula and passed through to its entrance in the rectum. By degrading proteins, the laser causes tissue shrinkage as a side effect. The laser is gently dragged back through the Fistula, closing the channel underneath at a pace of around one centimeter every 3 seconds. A suture and, in rare situations, a skin flap is next used to seal the inside wound.

What do you need to do before undergoing laser genital surgery?

A rectal enema one day before the operation may be essential to construct the colon for surgery and to treat the Fistula itself for surgery. Your doctor will probe the Fistula, rinse it with salt water, and then resect the internal aperture to insert the miomucosal flap, if necessary.

Fistula Treatment that Is Long-Term

Several signs of anorectal illness include blood or pus leakage, diarrhea, discomfort, irritation, and swelling around the anal region. In contemporary society, a lack of physical activity, an unhealthy diet, and a lack of fluid intake are all likely to contribute to increased occurrences of anorectal disorders. Fistula Symptoms such as these should not be overlooked.

Before seeing a physician, patients should avoid self-medicating or attempting home treatments for certain conditions. Anal fistulas symptoms, for example, should not be overlooked. These disorders may only be symptoms of a more serious illness, like cancer. If you see any of these symptoms, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

Such issues may be alleviated with pain-free laser therapy. No incisions, stitches, or significant surgical procedures are required. The sickness would be completely eradicated from the sufferer in just an hour. Give yourself the gift of a long and healthy life by scheduling a meeting with your doctor as soon as possible.

Possibilities for danger and difficulty

Complications are always a possibility after surgical procedures of any kind. Infection, bleeding, and bad responses to anesthesia are some of the most common problems that may arise after fistula surgery. The following are examples of specific issues that might arise after anal fistula surgery:

  • Constipation is characterized by a constriction of the anal canal, which makes it difficult to pass bowel movements.
  • A loss of control over one's bowel movements.
  • The Fistula is starting to open up again.
  • A protracted period of time is required for the lesion to heal.
  • People are strongly encouraged to seek medical attention if they suffer extreme discomfort or have trouble controlling their bowel movements.

Fistulas: how common are they?

The WHO estimates that between 50,000 and 100,000 new fistulas occur each year. Lack of access to obstetric treatment in Africa means that obstetric fistulas go neglected, to the relief of medical professionals in the United States; Fistulas are often detected at an early stage and treated effectively. Preventative medicine is the most effective therapy. Healthy tissue and fistulas treatment prevention may be achieved by practicing appropriate eating habits. Smoking cessation is also critical to the healing of a fistula.

Recommended doctors for Fistula Treatment

1. Dr. Vicky Kuldeep


2. Dr. Sumeet Shah


3. Dr. Vinay Kumar Shaw


4. Dr. Arvind Kumar


5. Dr. Nikhil Narain


Bottom Line

The anus or rectum may cause incontinence as a consequence of the operation, and your Fistula may reappear. Between 92 and 97 percent of fistulotomies are successful over the long run. It is possible that this operation will not be the most effective therapy for your Fistula treatment since a specific medical condition causes it. Talk to your doctor about all of your issues and give them your complete medical history so that they can establish an accurate detection and treatment plan for you.

Fistula treatment FAQs

Does Fistula heal on its own?

In a few situations, fistulas may close but again reopen. Generally, Fistula does not cure on its own without any treatment. Further, the treatment involves pulling out the pocket where the illness began.

What is fistula disease in women?

A strange opening forms between the vagina and different organs, like the colon, rectum, or bladder, called a vaginal fistula. Your doctor may define the vaginal Fistula as a gap in the vagina. It permits urine, stool, or gas via the vagina.

How long does the Fistula heal after the operation?

You may continue your daily work after 1 to 2 weeks of surgery. However, completely healing your Fistula will take at least a few weeks to a few months. It depends on the fistula size and your surgery procedure that states the healing of the Fistula. Your duodenum or esophagus fistulas can heal in 2 to 4 weeks, while it takes 30 to 40 days to heal colonic fistulas. Further, a small bowel fistula takes at least 40 to 60 days.

What is fistula disease in men?

An anal fistula is a minute tunnel between the skin near the anus and the bowel’s end. You may have it because of an illness near the anus. Further, it may result in a cluster of pus in the near tissue. When pus drains, it may leave behind a tiny canal.

How to treat Fistula at home?

To treat your Fistula at home, keep yourself hydrated. For your anal Fistula, drink a lot of water. Drinking fruit juice and a massive quantity of water is a suitable substitute for alcohol and carbonated beverages. For more, you can have turmeric milk, ginger tea, orange juice, cabbage juice, or gooseberries that can treat bowel clearance.

Is laser fistula surgery successful?

To treat anal Fistula, you can have a laser fistulectomy. It is a minimally intrusive, sphincter-sparing process that is effective and safe. There are 40 to 88% chances of getting recovery after laser fistula surgery.

Does Fistula cause constipation?

Your Fistula may lead you to inadequate absorption of nutrients and diarrhea. In a fistula state, your body can be dehydrated or lacks fluid. However, some fistulas may not lead you to constipation or any other symptoms. But a few fistulas can cause intestinal substances to spread through the skin’s opening.