Enlarged Prostate Surgery

Enlarged Prostate Surgery

Enlarged Prostate Treatment in India – Best Hospitals, Top Doctors & Costs

Prostate gland enlargement, also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), is a medical condition that arises in men, especially men above 50 years of age. Prostate is an exocrine gland that is only present in the people assigned male at birth. It produces the part of seminal fluid, which is the fluid that mixes with the sperms to form semen and transports the sperms through the urethra to the outside of the body. It is present below the urinary bladder, and it also surrounds some portion of the urethra. As men age, their hormone levels change. In old men, the testosterone levels decrease but the oestrogen levels remain the same. Due to this reason, the cells of the prostate gland start growing rapidly, due to which the prostate gland develops swelling.

Nowadays, there are several innovative treatment procedures available in several countries. However, many developing countries, including African nations, don’t have advanced and new treatment methods for BPH surgery. They are still using traditional methods to treat the enlargement of the prostate. This is because they are facing many obstacles in bringing new enlarged prostate treatment techniques. The reasons for these obstacles include inadequate endourology training, non-inclusive healthcare policies, insufficient budget for essential new equipment, etc.

Seeking an early diagnosis and treatments, many men with prostate problems visit India every year from African countries like Tanzania, Ghana, Cameroon, and Rwanda. India possesses highly reputed prostate enlargement doctors who have gained many years of experience with successful treatment and surgical procedures. To know more about the BPH condition and that enlarged prostate surgery options are available in India along with their costs, continue reading further.

What are the BPH Symptoms?

There can be several symptoms of having prostate gland enlargement, which may vary from mild to severe. However, if not treated on time, the BPH symptoms usually become severe and then gradually become worse over time.

BPH Surgery in India

Common signs and symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia are:

  • Need to urinate frequently and urgently.
  • Nocturia (increased frequency of urination at night).
  • Difficulty in passing urine.
  • Weak urinal stream due
  • Dribbling during the end of urination.
  • Not being able to empty the bladder properly.

Less common signs and symptoms of benign prostatic hyperplasia include:

  • Infection in the urinary tract
  • Not being able to urinate at all
  • Presence of blood in the urine stream.
  • Unusual odour of the urine.

The men who have mild BPH may not experience any symptoms or may experience only a few symptoms. However, men who have severe enlargement of the prostate will experience multiple symptoms. As per the severity of BPH, different patients have different levels of symptoms.

Our Top Enlarged Prostate Surgery Doctors in India

CureIndia helps you choose the right doctor for your medical treatment. Most of the doctors in our associated hospitals for BPH treatment have been internationally trained and are active members of many international medical councils and associations. Let's hear from some of the most reputed prostate enlargement doctors in India.

1. Dr. Gautam Banga


2. Dr. Vishal Dutt Gour


3. Dr. Vineet Malhotra


4. Dr. Vijayant Govinda Gupta


Cost of BPH surgery in India

The total cost of enlarged prostate surgery to treat an enlarged gland of the prostate is different for every patient because it can depend on various factors. However, the minimum cost of benign prostatic hyperplasia operation can be 1,100 USD, and the maximum cost can rise to 1,500 USD. You can consider the average cost of BPH surgery to be around 1,200 US dollars. To give you a better idea about the average cost ranges of different enlarged prostate surgery types, the average costs of individual surgeries are listed below.

Treatment Cost Stay in India
TURP Enlarged Prostate Surgery in India 2,500 USD 7 Days
HoLEP Enlarged Prostate Surgery in India 3,500 USD 7 Days
Green Laser surgery for Enlarged Prostate in India 5,000 USD 7 Days
Rezum Water Vapor Therapy in India 4,000 USD 7 Days

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) Causes

BPH is considered a normal body outcome due to gradual ageing in the mean. Men above 75 years of age are more vulnerable to facing BPH symptoms. The exact causes of benign prostatic hyperplasia or prostate gland enlargement are still not unknown; however, one or more of the following risk factors can be responsible for the enlargement of the prostate. They are:

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) Causes

1. Ageing

Men younger than the age of 40 rarely face signs and symptoms related to prostate gland enlargement. By the age of 60, about 1/3rd of men face moderate to severe symptoms of an enlargement of the prostate, and by 80, almost 50% of the men do.

2. Family History

Having someone in the immediate relation, especially in blood relations, who has or has had a history of prostate problems also increases your risk of having benign prostatic hyperplasia.

3. Diabetes and Heart Disease

Men, especially on the older side, having diabetes as well as heart disease, also carry an increased risk of BPH.

4. Lifestyle

Obesity is believed to be a huge factor in increasing the risk of getting benign prostatic hyperplasia, while exercising decreases the risk.

Enlarged Prostate Surgery Types

There are many treatment approaches for the BPH surgery. If the severity of your BPH is low, then it can be managed by some conventional treatment approaches like medications and minimally invasive procedures. The medications include alpha-blockers, 5-alpha reductase inhibitors, and combination therapy. The minimally invasive procedures include TUMT, TUNA, and WVTT. 

If the BPH is severe and the treatment cannot be approached by other conventional methods like medication and minimally invasive procedures, then it requires surgical intervention. Conventional prostate gland enlargement surgery includes transurethral resecting of the prostate (TURP), which is a traditional procedure used to remove excess prostate tissue, and laser surgery for enlarged prostate which uses laser therapy to vaporise and remove the excess prostate tissues. 

Enlarged Prostate Treatment Options in India

Besides conventional surgical procedures, there are several innovative approaches that are being used in Indian hospitals for enlarged prostate treatment. These innovative treatments include:

UroLift System:

It is a minimally invasive procedure that involves placing tiny implants to lift and hold the excess prostate tissues so that they remain away from the urethra. This will prevent the constriction of the urethra and allow the flow of urine.

Aquablation Therapy:

It is also a minimally invasive procedure, which is, in fact, a robotic-assisted technology that involves using a high-velocity water jet to remove the excess prostate precisely and preserve the surrounding tissues at the same time.

Prostate Artery Embolization (PAE):

It is a non-surgical, minimally invasive procedure that involves injecting tiny particles into the blood vessels of the prostate, which will make the excess prostate tissue shrink.

Rezum Water Vapor Therapy

Rezūm water vapor therapy is a minimally invasive enlarged prostate treatment which uses steam to treat an enlarged prostate or BPH. Sterile water vapor is injected into the prostate gland and the steam's stored energy is released into the tissue to shrink theprostate and increase sexual function.

Why Enlarged Prostate Surgery in India?

An enlargement of the prostate is a condition that mostly affects elderly men who are more than 60 years old. It is not a dangerous condition, but it can affect your daily life. The low and middle-income countries don’t have easy access to the new, less-complicated treatment procedures for their benign prostatic hyperplasia. However, with the new, innovative prostate gland enlargement surgery approaches available in India, you can receive the best procedure for enlarged prostate at a very affordable price.

Enlarged Prostate Surgery FAQs

Can we cure prostate gland enlargement permanently?

The BPH condition cannot be completely cured, but the treatment and surgical procedures can help in managing the symptoms you have due to BPH. In most of the cases, these treatment protocols and enlarged prostate surgery provide relief to a great extent.

Is there anything you should avoid if you have a huge prostate?

Yes. You should avoid drinking excess fluids during bedtime, as it can stimulate the urge to go to the bathroom frequently at night, which will disrupt your sleep. Also, avoid drinks that are high in caffeine, such as coffee, tea, and sodas. These will cause dehydration in the body. Alcohol is also something that you must avoid, as it also causes dehydration.

What lifestyle changes will I need to make after the surgery?

There are no major lifestyle adjustments that you need to make. You can make a few changes in your lifestyle to improve your overall health after the benign prostatic hyperplasia operation. Try to eat more fruits and vegetables and whole grains, and include more lean protein in your diet. Avoid caffeinated drinks and alcohol, as they can cause dehydration in the body. You can engage in some pelvic exercises to strengthen your pelvic muscles. Quit smoking if you regularly smoke, and maintain a healthy body weight.

How successful is the BPH treatment in India?

The BPH surgery is highly successful in India, and about 95% of people have achieved long-term relief from this condition. The new treatment approaches help to treat this condition with a minimally invasive technique whose recovery period is very low. Hence, the patients can resume their daily life activities within a short span of time.

Will health insurance cover this surgery?

Yes. As prostate issues can cause extreme pain and discomfort and affect your day-to-day life, enlarged prostate surgery to treat this condition is usually covered by health insurance. However, to get a better idea about the extent to which the insurance will cover the cost, you can check the type of policy you have taken and talk to your health insurance provider for detailed information.

Does prostate gland enlargement only affect old men?

The likelihood of developing enlargement in the prostate gland is higher in older men. Most of the men above the age of 60 have an increased chance of developing prostate gland enlargement. However, you should know that mild enlargement of the prostate gland is present in men over 40 years of age, which gradually increases and hits you when you read 50 to 60 years. About 90% of men over 80 years of age have this condition.

Do children also develop BPH?

The chances of children developing benign prostatic hyperplasia are very rare. It mostly affects older men above 40 years of age.

What will happen if the BPH is left untreated?

If left untreated, the BPH can cause a complete blockage in your urethra, which results in the worsening of your symptoms. As the urethra gets blocked, the urine cannot be excreted from the body. This can cause infection in your urinary tract, which can give rise to other complications in the body.

Can I delay the surgery for BPH?

It depends on your condition and the severity of your BPH. If you have slight enlargement of the prostate gland, then you can postpone it for a few weeks, but postponing the benign prostatic hyperplasia operation will only lead to the progression of your condition and make your symptoms worse.

Can I resume daily life activities right after the BPH operation?

It is important to rest and recover for the initial days of the BPH surgery because resuming daily activities right away can apply strain to your sore prostate and cause pain and discomfort. You can resume your daily activities after a few days of surgery and start exercising regularly. As you start to heal, you can gradually resume other activities as well.