Heart Bypass Surgery

Heart Bypass Surgery

Heart Bypass Surgery in India - Top Surgeons, Best Hospital & Cost 

Most of the people from African countries like Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Congo, Zambia, and Rwanda have patients travelling out for treatments. Also, the inadequacy of healthcare facilities and a lack of specialised fertility services characterise such countries. Extensive equipment and professional skills scarcely found within those regions characterise treatments such as heart bypass surgery and IVF. That is why most African patients seek treatment success in other countries with highly developed medical facilities for heart bypass procedures. This indicates a significant gap in the provision of health care, which has made people search for quality health care.

Heart bypass surgery, or coronary artery bypass surgery, is used to replace damaged or blocked arteries that supply blood to your heart muscle. A surgeon uses blood vessels taken from another area of your body to repair the damaged arteries. These damaged arteries are responsible for supplying your heart with oxygenated blood. If these arteries cannot pass the blood to the heart, the heart may become dysfunctional, ultimately leading to heart failure. At most times, fear and ignorance seem to cover the face of this life-saving procedure. However, if you're well read about the benefits of the heart bypass surgery, one can consider getting it done for better health prospects.

Types of Open Heart Surgery in India

One must not confuse heart bypass surgery with open heart surgery, in which the chest wall is surgically opened and the heart is exposed. This surgery is performed on the muscles, valves, or arteries of the heart at the best hospital for heart bypass surgery. Robotic coronary artery bypass surgery is another surgical technique where the heart surgeon performs the bypass through a smaller incision in the chest, with the help of robotics and video imaging.

Why is Heart Bypass Surgery Done?

Heart bypass surgery is a life-changing surgery. If you have one or more of the following serious heart ailments, you can consult a certified heart surgeon and consider getting the heart bypass procedure done. With CureIndia, you can consult a heart bypass expert and get the surgery done at affordable prices by them.

  • Severe chest pain that is caused by a narrowing of the arteries responsible for supplying blood to your heart muscle.
  • The heart's main pumping chamber, the left ventricle, is almost out of order.
  • Your left main coronary artery is severely blocked. This artery supplies most of the blood to the left ventricle. (atherosclerosis)
  • You have an artery blockage for which angioplasty is not a suitable treatment.
  • You've previously had stent placement, but the artery has narrowed again (restenosis).
  • You have encountered an emergency situation, such as having suffered a heart attack.

Conditions that Can Complicate Heart Bypass Surgery

Several medical conditions in your body can complicate your heart bypass surgery. Your cardiologist or heart surgeon will, therefore, deeply evaluate if you're eligible for heart bypass surgery. If you're suffering from one or more of the following conditions, you could be eliminated from getting the heart bypass procedure done:

  • Diabetes
  • Emphysema (lung disease)
  • Kidney disease
  • Peripheral arterial disease (PAD)
  • Any regular medication intake that can complicate the surgery.
  • The family history of serious ailments.

What are the Heart Bypass Procedure Steps?

Before the heart bypass surgery procedure, you would be given some medications and injected with anaesthesia to ensure a painless treatment. Once you go into deep sleep, your heart surgeon will begin with the procedure. An incision is made in the middle of your chest so that our rib cage can be opened and spread apart to expose your heart. Your body is hooked up to a cardiopulmonary bypass machine (also known as the heart-lung machine), which ensures the circulation of oxygenated blood through your body while your surgeon operates on your heart. To remove the carbon dioxide entirely, the blood is pumped out of your heart by the machine, which is then filled with oxygen.

Open Heart Surgery in India

The oxygenated blood is pumped back into your body without going through the heart and lungs. This keeps oxygenated blood pumping throughout your body. To bring your body temperature down, your heart surgeon may apply certain cooling techniques, sometimes called extreme cooling, to bring your body temperature down to around 64.4°F (18°C). (This can be done with the help of the heart lung machine or by drenching your heart in cold, salty water.) This technique freezes some of your body processes to make the heart bypass surgery go on for longer (if required). That's because, at a lower temperature, your heart needs relatively less oxygen than it would at normal.

Your surgeon then removes a healthy blood vessel from inside your chest wall or leg that is taken out as a replacement for the blocked or damaged coronary artery. One end of the graft is attached above the blockage and the other end below. Finally, you're removed off the heart-lung machine, and the function of the bypass is checked. Once the bypass gets working, you’re being stitched up, bandaged, and taken to the intensive care unit (ICU) for monitoring.

Recommended Doctors for Heart Bypass Surgery in India

1. Dr. T S Kler

Dr. T S Kler - Cardiologist and Pacemaker Specialist in India

2. Dr. Ashok Seth

Dr Ashok Seth - Best Cardiologist in India

3. Dr. Naresh Trehan


4. Dr. Kewal Krishan

Dr Kewal Krishan - Heart Transplant and LVAD Heart Surgeon in India

What is the Average Cost of Heart Bypass Surgery in India?

A heart bypass procedure is the surgery to replace damaged arteries so as to restore the proper blood flow to the heart. The average cost of heart bypass surgery in India is:

Treatment Cost in India Stay in India
Heart Bypass Surgery in India $5,000 - $7,500 10-12 Days

What is the Heart Bypass Operation Recovery Time?

After the heart bypass surgery, you may feel some pain and can have side effects like confusion or trouble keeping track of time.

You'll be monitored in the ICU for the first two days post-surgery. After which you may be shifted to the general ward for over a week. During the recovery time for the heart bypass operation, you would be given instructions like:

  • Caring for the incision wound(s)
  • Getting plenty of rest
  • Refraining from physical activity

The least recovery time for a heart bypass operation is about 6–12 weeks.

Heart Bypass Surgery FAQs

How many types of heart bypass surgery are there?

There are different types of heart bypass surgery:
  • Multiple bypass surgery is known as a single bypass operation if a surgeon only needs to bypass one blocked artery. If more than one artery has the block, then one would need to do multiple bypasses.
  • If these blockages exist in two arteries, then two grafts would be involved as double bypass surgery.
  • If there are three blockages, then triple bypass grafts are required.
  • If four coronary arteries are blocked, a quadruple bypass is needed. In this condition, the five main arteries feeding the heart need five bypass grafts.

How long will it take to recover after heart bypass surgery?

The heart bypass operation recovery time differs from man to man according to their heart condition. The average time is two to three months, but with people older than 80, more time might be needed. It often takes half a year to one year to fully experience the benefits of heart bypass surgery. The recovery time for a heart bypass operation typically takes place anywhere from 6–8 weeks to 3 months. You will be given instructions regarding exercise, medications, follow-up appointments, wound care, and resumption of normal activities before you depart the hospital.

How long does a heart bypass surgery take?

If you are wondering, “heart bypass surgery how long does it last?” A coronary artery bypass graft will be carried out under general anaesthesia, so you will be unconscious while the procedure is undertaken. This is typically about 3 to 6 hours in duration but is longer if more blood vessels are being attached. They can take blood vessels from the leg, saphenous vein, within your chest, internal mammary artery, and from the arm, radial artery.

Who is too high risk for bypass surgery?

These risk factors depend on your age. The younger you are, the lesser your risk of complications following a heart bypass procedure. Having another serious long-term condition—for example, diabetes, COPD, or severe chronic kidney disease—can all increase your risk of complications. Also, contacting the best hospital for heart bypass surgery will reduce the chances of complications.

What are the basic steps for bypass surgery?

There are some primary heart bypass procedure steps. First, a surgeon removes a healthy part of the blood vessel inside the chest wall or even from the lower leg. The surgeon then attaches the ends of this graft below the blocked heart artery, creating a new pathway of blood flow around the blockage.

How much does heart bypass surgery cost in India?

The average cost of heart bypass surgery in India is between $1,125 and $5,330. The cost varies between the cities you are getting it done in and from which type of hospital you have made a choice to get it done. However, unlike other countries, you will get this procedure at a much cheaper cost.