

Orthodontic Treatment- Stages of Orthodontic Treatment

Orthodontics is the branch of dentistry that treats misaligned teeth and jaws into position. Therefore Orthodontic treatment is the use of certain dental pieces of equipment which can correct the position of the teeth. If the misaligned teeth are not given proper orthodontic treatment, they can cause stress of the chewing muscles in the mouth which has further repercussions on the body which include a headache, TMJ syndrome, neck, shoulder and back pain. Fixing misaligned or crooked teeth through an orthodontic treatment also helps to correct the smile and appearance, making the person more confident.

Types of Orthodontic Treatment

The orthodontic treatment uses both, removable and irremovable teeth equipment which are used depending on the complexity, comfort and cost of the treatment that the patient is satisfied with. The basic principle behind this dental equipments (removable/irremovable) is the same, i.e. to apply pressure against the teeth to reposition them. 

Fixed dental equipment include:
•    Orthodontic Braces: These are the most widely used dental equipment used in an Orthodontic treatment to fix crooked teeth. Braces consist of bands, wires and/or brackets. The bands are fixed along the teeth and the jawline while the brackets are bonded to the front surface of the teeth. The wires are then passed through the brackets and attached to the bands. The tighter the wire, the higher the pressure on the teeth.
•    Special Fixed Appliances: These special dental equipment are used to control thumb sucking or tongue thrusting, both conditions which lead to misaligned teeth.
•    Fixed Space Maintainers: This type of Orthodontic treatment is used to keep the space open in case the child loses the baby tooth prematurely. 

The removable dental equipment includes:
•    Aligners: Aligners are a good alternative to the conventionally used metal or clear brackets. 
One such widely used aligner is the Invisalign system is particularly one of the new orthodontic treatment options via which we straighten teeth. Invisalign aligners can be seen as a comfortable, removable and almost invisible alternative to the unsettling metallic orthodontic braces. Therefore, it's been rising to the forefront of cosmetic dentistry technology. Invisalign treatment consists of a series of see-through orthodontic braces/aligners which gradually move your teeth both horizontally and vertically into position. They work via exerting the perfect amount of pressure to push the teeth into the desired direction, more or less like the metallic braces. The aligners cause teeth movement slightly over a period of two weeks. Hence, every two weeks, depending on the progress of an individual dental case, the set of aligners will change to move the teeth further. As this dental procedure progresses over a period of few weeks and months, the teeth set into the desired position. After an initial consultation, the custom treatment uses 3-D mapping of your teeth which is produced as digital images as well as a physical impression. The very same virtual 3D plan once created, will show your teeth's movement throughout the course of your treatment.
There is now a range of Invisalign treatments that cater to different conditions and type of mouths.
•     INVISALIGN FULL: Most design features can be used with this type of braces as they offer the greatest degree of flexibility in terms of treatments possible.
•     INVISALIGN LITE: Invisalign Lite uses a fixed number of clear aligners to correct small discrepancies towards an improved smile.
•     INVISALIGN TEEN: These are the same as the FULL set except that they come with better benefits for the teenagers. Also come with six replacement aligners at no charge along with offering a room for the growing teeth.
•     INVISALIGN i7: The latest addition to the range of Invisalign Service solutions- comprises of a typically shorter treatment time than the standard Invisalign course. This was developed for those people who need minor dental corrections.

Invisalign Cost in India

The Invisalign cost in India is much effective and reasonable than in any other country that has the same level of premium medical and dental facilities. The Invisalign cost varies from clinic to clinic and highly depends on the severity of the dental case and how many aligners may be needed.
•    Removable space maintainers: these dental equipment do the same jobs as fixed space maintainers but they are removable. The maintainers consist of an acrylic base that fits over the jaw and has plastic or wire branches between specific teeth to keep the space between them open.
•    Jaw repositioning appliances: This dental equipment are also called splints and are worn on either the top or lower jaw, and help train the jaw to close in a more favourable position.