Orchiopexy Surgery

Orchiopexy Surgery

Know About Orchiopexy: A Step-by-Step Guide for Patients and Families

A surgical technique called an orchiopexy is used to fix an undescended testicle. It is also employed to prevent a testicle from retreating. The surgeon moves the testicle into the scrotum, the skin sac beneath the penis. The surgeon does this from either the abdomen or the groin area, depending on the testicle's current position. The testicle will then be surgically attached to the scrotum by the doctor using a "tacking stitch."

What is an Orchiopexy?

During an orchiopexy procedure, the surgeon moves a testicle from the groin to the scrotum. Surgeons fix the testicle to the scrotum. An orchiopexy can correct and prevent the recurrence of testicular torsion. Other terms for an orchiopexy include undescended testicle repair surgery. It is also known as open orchidopexy.

What Are the Procedures for Orchiopexy?

Testicular torsion and undescended testicle surgery are two distinct urological problems. An orchiopexy is intended to correct these issues. Surgeons perform this under general or epidural anesthesia.

1. Testicular Torsion

Prompt action is crucial to prevent tissue death in cases of testicular torsion. It is also essential to avoid testicle excision. The disease develops when the testicle rotates, twisting the spermatic cord that supports it. This twisting action cuts off the testicle's blood supply. "Bell clapper deformity" is a congenital abnormality responsible for 90% of torsions. This is the condition in which the testis floats freely instead of adhering to the scrotal lining.

An orchiopexy involves the surgeon manually untwisting the spermatic cord. This is done through an incision made in the patient's scrotum. Next, the testicle is inspected to look for signs of tissue death. Surgeons might remove the entire testicle (orchiectomy) if there is any necrosis. The testicle will be sutured to the scrotal wall if the tissue is in good condition. To avoid torsion, the surgeon may operate on the unaffected testicle in some situations. This is especially the case when both testes are detached from the scrotal lining.

2. Undescended Testicle

Another issue that can necessitate an orchiopexy is undescended testicles. The testicles develop in the abdomen during fetal development. They descend into the scrotal sack just before birth. One or both testicles do not fall to their permanent residence in the scrotum in about 34% of newborns. The testicle can get "stuck" in the abdominal cavity or the inguinal (groin) canal.

Nevertheless, during the first year of life, the testicle(s) will shift spontaneously. This occurs in more than 50% of those cases into the scrotum. By then, if the testicle(s) have not moved, an orchiopexy will be necessary to lower the chance of:

  • Infertility
  • Testicular tumor
  • Hernias
  • Abnormal sperm production
  • Injury

A urologist may choose diagnostic laparoscopy to pinpoint the location of the testicle. During this, surgeons make an abdominal incision. They insert a tube with a light source, and a camera at its tip. This is done to ascertain the surgical approach, which may involve the abdomen or the groin.

The surgeon will make a small incision in the groin and scrotum if the testicle(s) are found there. After being removed from the groin, the testicle is inserted into the scrotum. It is then secured there with sutures, which the body will gradually dissolve.

What Is the Appropriate Age for An Orchiopexy Surgery?

Your child should have an orchiopexy at age 12 and 24 months if they have undescended testicles. This is especially crucial if the testicles descend on their own after birth. Grown-ups may cause Orchiopexy at age 25.

You or your child should have orchiopexy surgery right away if you have testicular torsion. Your healthcare practitioner could need to remove your testicle if the blood flow doesn't return to it in six hours.

Best Urology Surgeons for Orchiopexy Surgery in India

1. Dr. Gautam Banga

Dr. Gautam Banga is a pioneer urology surgeon in India. He has vast experience in treating various urology-related issues like phimosis, and Peyronie’s disease, etc. He is an expert in frenuloplasty and other cosmetic urology.


2. Dr. Vijayant Govinda Gupta

Dr. Vijayant Govinda Gupta is widely known as a penile implant surgeon. He has proficiency in urology surgeries. Dr. Viajayant Gupta does surgeries like orchiopexy, frenuloplasty, phimosis(child & adult), paraphimosis, circumcisions, etc.


3. Dr. Raman Tanwar

Dr. Raman Tanwar is one of the top urological surgeons in India. He has expertise in surgeries like vasectomy, phimosis, epispadias, and minimally invasive surgery like LASER circumcision.


4. Dr. Vineet Malhotra

Dr. Vineet Malhotra is the best urology doctor. He performs various endourology, reconstructive, and laparoscopic procedures. With his extraordinary talent, Dr. Vineet Malhotra is now a member of many renowned institutions globally.


What Are the Advantages of An Orchiopexy?

A variety of benefits come with an orchiopexy, such as:

1. Health and fertility:

Infertility may be avoided with an orchiopexy. According to studies, it might also lessen your child's risk of testicular cancer.

2. Reduced chance of harm:

If the testicle is injured in your groin rather than your scrotum, you have a higher chance of damaging it. Sports, tight clothing, belts, and seat belts over the lap increase the risk of injury.

3. An increase in self-worth:

If your child grows older and has one or no testicles in their scrotum, they might become humiliated. Most patients are happy with their orchiopexy outcomes and feel better about their bodies.

4. Safety:

The danger of problems or adverse consequences is low with an orchiopexy. This makes it a generally safe treatment. The majority of folks go home the same day.

What Happens Before an Orchiopexy?

You will consult with your healthcare practitioner before an orchiopexy. Before going for orchiopexy surgery, they will assess your or your child's overall health. Vital signs (blood pressure, pulse, and temperature) will also be taken.

You need to share any medications, including herbal supplements, that you or your kid are taking. This information is crucial to share with your healthcare professional. Anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, and other herbal supplements can make bleeding more likely.

Your healthcare professional will receive precise instructions before the surgery. This is regarding when to feed or drink your youngster before the surgery. Most patients should abstain from eating or drinking anything after midnight the night before their Orchiopexy. Take a tiny sip of water with any prescription drugs you must take.

The day before and the morning of the surgery, wash your groin area well to lower the chance of infection. Orchiopexy in adults may be caused sometimes in rare cases.

How Much Is the Recovery After an Orchiopexy?

If an orchiopexy is for testicular torsion or an undescended testicle surgery, recovery will vary. The duration and specifics of the recovery process depend on the individual case and the nature of the surgery. If the treatment addresses an undescended testicle, the patient can usually return home the same day.

He might have to spend a few days in the hospital. This is true in case the testicle was positioned high in the abdomen or inguinal canal. Otherwise, doctors typically prescribe painkillers to treat the pain and antibiotics to stop infections.

After an orchiopexy, the patient should refrain from biking, athletics, and other activities. This precaution is necessary to avoid any potential injury to their genitalia. It should be followed for two to three weeks after the orchiopexy procedure. The patient will be advised to relax for a few days. This recommendation follows an outpatient orchiopexy for testicular torsion.

During orchiopexy surgery, it's necessary to drink water and elevate the scrotum on a pillow. This is to lessen discomfort and swelling. Avoid engaging in any activity that could result in genital harm.

Orchiopexy Surgery FAQs

What happens after an orchiopexy?

When the Orchiopexy is finished, your healthcare practitioner will wrap or cover the stitches with gauze. The anesthesiologist will cease administering anaesthesia to your child to induce sleep. Your child will be sent to an orchiopexy surgery recovery room. In this room, medical professionals will monitor their general health.

Is Orchiopexy a major surgery?

Orchiopexy is a minor surgical procedure. You don't need to spend the night in the hospital because it's an outpatient operation. Following the orchiopexy surgical technique, you can return home.

How painful is an orchiopexy?

The pain from an orchiopexy is moderate. After a few days, the pain should start to become better. Over-the-counter (OTC) pain medications help control pain. If you experience extreme pain, your healthcare professional may prescribe pain medications.

When should I see my healthcare provider?

Following an orchiopexy surgical time, make an appointment for follow-up. A follow-up appointment may need to be scheduled for two or three months later.

What are the risks or complications of an orchiopexy?

Every surgical operation has some risk involved. Among the dangers of an orchiopexy are:
  • Hazards associated with anaesthesia.
  • Solving issues.
  • Infection
  • Hematoma, or mass of clotted blood.
  • Growing
  • Bruising
  • Adverse scarring

How should I care for my child after an orchiopexy?

NSAIDs available over-the-counter in children's strength can help relieve minor pain. People widely use NSAIDs. Place an ice pack covered in a thin towel over the injured areas for at least ten minutes. At least four times a day, apply ice to help reduce swelling and bruises.

How long does an orchiopexy take?

In maximum cases, an orchiopexy takes less than an hour to complete.