Club Foot Surgery

Club Foot Surgery

Club Foot Disease Treatment in India - Symptoms, Causes & Best Doctor

Club foot disease is a congenital disease where the child’s foot becomes inwards or downwards at the time of birth and remains in the same position for the rest of their life. The condition can be mild and flexible to severe and rigid. Club foot is a common congenital defect globally and people from Tanzania, Ghana, Ethiopia and Uganda visit India for cost-effective club foot surgery.

India offers the cheapest club foot surgery without compromising on the quality and reliability of the club foot treatment. Also, here you can get access to the premium-class medical infrastructure, globally acclaimed surgeons, cutting-edge equipment support and highly- qualified and dedicated medical staff that ensure higher success rates and reduced chances of risk. So, if you are searching for quality yet affordable club foot surgery then choose India for your medical tourism for your club foot treatment.

Different Types of Club Foot

Club foot is a congenital deformity of the lower foot of the fetus. The severity of club foot varies from one case to another depending on the type, environmental and genealogical factors. So, it would be wise to learn about the types and causes of club foot before opting for club foot surgery. Club foot disease can be categorised into three groups. Below we will discuss them briefly-

1. Idiopathic Clubfoot

Idiopathic Clubfoot also known as talipes equinovarus. It is one of the most common types of Clubfoot that are present at the time of birth. It is present in almost every one out of 1,000 newborn babies among which half of them only have one newborn clubfoot. There is no known cause of idiopathic clubfoot; however, baby boys are twice as likely to develop clubfoot than baby girls.

2. Neurogenic Clubfoot

Neurologic clubfoot is relatively rarer than idiopathic clubfoot. It is caused due to an underlying neurological. For example, a baby born with spina bifida (A neural defect) can develop clubfoot later in childhood due to spinal cord compression or cerebral palsy.

3. Syndromic Clubfoot

Syndromic Clubfoot is mostly found with other underlying clinical conditions. These conditions are usually linked with the underlying syndrome. For example, a clubfoot can result from constriction band syndrome, dystrophic dwarfism, tibial hemimelia or arthrogryposis.

Indications for Performing Club Foot Surgery

Clubfoot disease is a type of foot deformity that occurs at the time of birth. It ranges from mild and flexible to severe and rigid. Even though all clubfoot does not require a surgical intervention to correct the problem. In mild cases, medication, physiotherapy and self-stretching work well. So, if you are considering clubfoot surgery for adults or children, you must learn about the common clubfoot symptoms or indications that tell performing clubfoot surgery is essential-

  • The affected foot is twisted downwards or inwards which often increases the artch resulting in the heel of the foot inwards.
  • The clubfoot condition is so severe that the feet or feet look almost upside down.
  • The affected foot tends to appear shorter as the cuff of the affected leg is underdeveloped.
  • The affected clubfoot is causing difficulty in standing and moving freely.
  • The clubfoot condition is serious and causes immobility.

Different Types of Clubfoot Surgeries

Clubfoot disease is a type of congenital deformity of the foot. It is more common in a male child than in a female child. Clubfoot surgery is mostly preserved for serious cases. Club foot surgery can be divided into different types depending on the type of clubfoot disease, age of the patient and severity of the case. Here are some common types of clubfoot surgeries popular globally-

■ Tenotomy

Tenotomy is one of the most popular clubfoot correction methods for newborn babies and young adults according to experts. This surgical club foot treatment is only prescribed for newborns, and young children under 6-& years. This procedure involves making a small incision to reach the Achilles tendon and cutting/expanding it according to the need.

■ Osteotomy

Osteotomy is another popular club foot treatment for both young and adults. In osteotomy, the surgeon removes certain parts of the bone that cause the arch and prevent the foot from reaching the right alignment.

■ Arthrodesis or Fusion

Arthrodesis is another popular adult club foot surgery. When clubfoot is not treated in childhood arthrodesis or Fusion work best to treat the condition. In this condition two or more bones and fused. Here, the surgeon took bone from any other parts of the body to complete the procedure.

■ Metal pins and screws

Sometimes pins, screws and casts are used as a part of clubfoot surgery and help to keep the foot in the correct position for a few days after surgery.

Top Surgeons for Club Foot Disease Treatment in India

1. Dr. Manoj Miglani

2. Dr Hitesh Garg

3. Dr. Ramandeep Singh Dang

4. Dr. Sachin Kandhari

Club Foot Surgery Procedure Steps

Clubfoot surgery is also known as tenotomy (ten-AH-toe-me) which is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that helps to correct the clubfoot. Clubfoot is a physical deformity that affects the normal formation of the foot and is present at the time of birth. In severe cases of clubfoot, a surgical procedure is necessary to correct the condition. And before you opt for clubfoot surgery for children or adults, you might like to learn about the procedure to make an informed decision-

  • Tenotomy is a minimally invasive surgical method to correct the clubfoot disease and symptoms associated with the disease. In this procedure, the best club foot doctor will make a small incision on the back of the affected foot.
  • Then they will insert microsurgery tools and an arthroscope inside the foot detaching the Achilles tendon and slowly expanding it to lose the arch.
  • Once the procedure is completed the surgeon will re-attach the tendon and close the wound with stitches or surgical glue that will dissolve with time.

Note: In most cases, the child/adult is not unconscious as they will not give general anaesthesia for the procedure. Instead, they may use local anaesthesia or numbing lotion to numb the feet for the surgery.

Non-surgical Club Foot Treatment Alternatives

Clubfoot in infants is a common occurrence. Clubfoot disease is mostly common in male children than female children. However, not all club foot causes require a surgical intervention. The surgical procedure is preserved for only the most severe and complex cases where no other treatment works. So, if you are looking a surgery to correct club foot disease you might find alternative treatment methods helpful for non-severe and mild cases-

■ Ponseti method

The Ponseti method to correct clubfoot is one of the most popular and effective non-surgical alternatives to straighten curved feet. The Ponseti method is used to correct clubfoot without surgical intervention. In this procedure surgeon uses multiple casting to treat the clubfoot.

■ Braces

Braces are also helpful non-surgical alternatives for infant clubfoot treatment. Braces help to keep feet straight.

■ Physiotherapy and stretching

Mild cases of clubfoot can also be corrected with physiotherapy and guided stretching. It is often helpful for mild clubfoot cases.

Club foot Surgery Recovery Time

After a club foot surgery, a surgeon will put your child's leg in a toe-to-thigh cast for at least 7-8 weeks. The cast is changed every week as tendons heal in the corrected position. The club foot specialist then removes the cast and recommends using a brace. This brace also needs to be changed in regular intervals for at 4 weeks for complete healing. Physical therapy is also advised in club foot surgery cases. Consult with your child's surgeon to know more about recovery time and post-operative care.

Club Foot Surgery Insurance Coverage

Whether your existing insurance plan will cover the cost of club foot surgery or not depends on the type of policy and its terms and conditions. Some policies can cover the charges of the procedure while others may offer coverage of other related expenses. Consult with your insurance provider and healthcare provider to more about the insurance coverage for club foot surgery.

Club Foot Surgery FAQs

When does surgery become necessary for club foot disease?

Surgery becomes necessary to treat club foot disease when non-surgical methods like Ponseti, stretching and casting do not show any positive outcomes. Thus, surgery can be your last option when other non-surgical methods fail.

What is the best age for club foot surgery?

The treatment for club foot problems should start at a young age. The club foot issue becomes more complex as your child grows up. Many experts consider 6 years the right age for club foot surgery.

Can the clubfoot problem cure on its own?

No, club foot disease does not get better on its own. And the problem becomes worse with time. Your child would require either non-surgical or surgical treatment to address the issue.

Is Clubfoot 100% correctable?

Idiopathic club foot is correctable up to 95% by using cast, stretching and surgical methods. However, to get the best results, your child should get treatment at an early age. Because more complexities arise with time.

What happens after clubfoot surgery?

After a club foot surgery, your child will be provided with a cast for 12 weeks. Also, you will need to use a brace when this cast is removed. You also need to see the best club foot doctor for regular follow-ups and to track progress.

How many braces are needed after the cast is removed?

Your child may need more than one brace and replace it in regular intervals as they must wear it for several months. Consult with your surgeon to know more about post-operative care and other necessary rules.