Arthroscopic Bankart Repair

Arthroscopic Bankart Repair

Arthroscopic Bankart Repair Surgery in India - Cost & Recovery Time

Arthroscopic Bankart Repair is a surgical procedure used to treat Bankart lesions that occur due to labrum tear. Bankart injury is fairly common, especially in overhead sports such as skiing, cricket, basketball, etc. Every year people from different parts of the world including Ghana, Tanzania Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda visit India for cost-effective arthroscopic bankart repair surgery.

The primary reason behind this choice is affordability without compromising the quality of the treatment. India offers some of the cheapest bankart surgery (compared to other leading medical tourism destinations) with renowned surgeons, world-class infrastructure, trained staff, and advanced medical support.

Indications for Arthroscopic Bankart Repair

Bankart lesions occur due to labrum tear, which is a result of injury or overuse. Bankart injury or lesions can range from mild to moderate to severe, depending on the labrum tear density. Usually, the necessity of Bankart lesions arthroscopy depends on the severity of the symptoms and intensity of the injury. So, if you are struggling with your bankart and wondering whether you should opt for an arthroscopic bankart repair surgery to restore normal shoulder functionality. Here are some common indications for Arthroscopic Bankart Repair-

Torn labrum

A torn labrum is one of the primary indications that you may need a bankart repair surgery. A torn labrum is the main reason/cause of the bankart lesion. So, if someone tore their labrum due to an accident, sudden falling, or sports injury, they will need an arthroscopic Bankart repair surgery.


Shoulder dislocation is a major injury that involves multiple internal ligament tears and fractures, including labrum tear and bankart lesion. As a result, shoulder dislocation also requires Bankart fracture treatment. However, a dislocated shoulder will need other ligament repair or complete shoulder reconstruction, depending on the severity of the shoulder damage.

Recurring shoulder instability

Lastly, recurring shoulder instability is another major indication that you may need an arthroscopic Bankart repair surgery. It is because Bankart lesions occur due to labrum tears, which causes an unstable shoulder. So, if you face recurring shoulder instability caused by an underlying labrum tear, then you will need a bankart repair to resolve the problem.

Different types of Bankart Lesions

Bankart Repair is a surgical procedure that treats bankart lesions and labrum tears. The repair procedure, however, varies depending on the type of Bankart lesions one has developed. So, it is essential to learn about the different types of bankart lesions before selecting any bankart repair plan for yourself. There are two different types of bankart lesions exist, including-

1. Bony Bankart lesions

In this type of Bankart lesion, labrum tears, along with a part of the bony glenoid, break off or fracture. This may lead to a significant loss of bone in the glenoid, which causes recurring shoulder instability. The solution is a Bankart lesion arthroscopy.

2. Soft Bankart lesions

This Bankart lesion is comparatively less severe than the above one. In this bankart lesion, the labrum tears from the glenoid and only damages some amount of soft tissues. It is also the most common type of Bankart lesions. 

Different types of Bankart Repair

Arthroscopic Bankart repair is one of the most advanced forms of repairing Bankart lesions. However, there are other methods available for bank art repair. Below, we will discuss some common types of Bankart repair for your knowledge-

1. Open Bankart repair surgery

Conventional or open Bankart repair surgery is the traditional surgical method of repairing Bankart lesions. In this method, the surgeon will make long incisions to wide open the shoulder and access Bankart and labrum to reattach them to their original place. However, the open method includes the risk of bleeding and infections and has a slow recovery rate.

2. Arthroscopic Bankart repair surgery

Arthroscopic Bankart lesion surgery is one of the most advanced and reliable surgical procedures for bankart repair. In this procedure, the surgeon will make small incisions and use an arthroscope to operate ensuring less pain, bleeding and faster recovery. Bankart lesions arthroscopy is one of the most preferred Bankart repairs globally. 

Preparing for Arthroscopic Bankart Repair

Bankart repair surgery is one of the most common yet major shoulder operations. And one has to prepare well to ensure the best outcome without any hassles. Here are a few ways to prepare yourself for the Arthroscopic Bankart repair surgery-

Initiate detailed consultation

Before you go for the Arthroscopic Bankart repair, it will be helpful to initiate a detailed consultation with the surgeon. Ask them about the surgery procedure, how to prepare, risks, success rate, aftercare, and anything you are concerned about, such as a problem with a particular medicine or something else. This will help you stay clear and make informed decisions.

Complete all essential physical examinations

Bankart repair is a major surgery, and you may need to do several tests, including an ensure you are physically fit for the operation.

Physical therapy

In most cases, the doctor prescribed certain types of exercise before the bankart repair surgery. These exercises help your shoulder to keep as flexible as possible and improve blood circulation which is crucial for a safe and successful operation.

Preparing for the Surgery

You should wear loosely fitted clothes, quit smoking and alcohol, cut out caffeine, and drink plenty of water. Also, gather your insurance documents and prescriptions for drugs and doses. You should also arrange for someone to drive you to the hospital and back home.

Evening before surgery

Do not eat or drink after midnight. However, you may take your prescribed medicines with a gulp of water only.

Arthroscopic Bankart Repair procedure steps

Arthroscopic bankart repair surgery involves the use of an arthroscope to treat the bankart lesion without opening the shoulder. The procedure can vary depending on the type of bankart lesion it treats. Below, we will share a general informative arthroscopic bankart repair procedure steps for your reference-

  • The arthroscopic bankart repair technique is carried out under general anesthesia.
  • In this procedure, the surgeon uses the anterior prospect to make a small incision to enter the arthroscope and inject a saline solution to expand the joint for clearer vision.
  • Then, they make another incision to enter microsurgery tools. 
  • The surgery is guided by the images produced by the arthroscope.
  • Once the repair is done, the doctor will remove the surgical tools and arthroscope and end the procedure by sealing the holes with surgical glue.

Top Arthroscopic Bankart Repair Surgeons in India

1. Dr. Manoj Miglani

2. Dr Hitesh Garg

3. Dr. Ramandeep Singh Dang

4. Dr. Sachin Kandhari

Arthroscopic Bankart Repair Recovery Time

Arthroscopic bankart repair recovery time is different in each case. The recovery time usually depends on factors like the severity of the problem and the seriousness of the repair. Generally, complete recovery after the procedure can take 9-12 months. One can resume sedentary jobs after a few days of the surgery. However, heavy work and manual labor should be avoided for at least 4-6 months. Consult with your surgeon for a more personalized recovery program.

Arthroscopic Bankart Repair Insurance Coverage

Insurance coverage can reduce the burden of bearing the complete Bankart lesion surgery cost. In India, most medical insurance covers the costs of orthopedic surgeries, including Bankart repair (when it is medically necessary). Some policies can cover only the cost of the procedure, while others can cover related expenses. Consult with your healthcare provider and insurance provider to determine whether your Bankart repair arthroscopy can be covered with your existing policy.

Arthroscopic Bankart Repair Surgery FAQs

What is the success rate of arthroscopic Bankart repair surgery?

Arthroscopic Bankart repair surgery is a highly effective surgery for treating a dislocated shoulder, torn labrum etc. The procedure is well-tolerated and positive outcomes can be witnessed in at least 90% of the cases.

What should one avoid after arthroscopic Bankart repair?

One should avoid lifting heavy objects or any kind of manual labour before complete healing. One also should not be pulled behind with force. These things can create complications in the recovery during the postoperative period.

How long off work after a Bankart repair?

Recovery after the surgery can differ from one patient to another. Complete recovery can require several months. People with desk jobs can return to work after 1-2 weeks of the surgery. However, with more physically strenuous jobs, you should avoid working for 4-6 months after the procedure.

How long does an arthroscopic Bankart repair take?

It depends on the seriousness of the Bankart problem and the procedure. Generally, the procedure takes 45 minutes to 1 hour. However, in some complex cases, the procedure can take more than an hour.

When should we go for a follow-up after the surgery?

A patient is usually asked to go for a follow-up after 8-10 days of the surgery. Consult with your surgeon to know when you can go for a follow-up.

How long does one need to stay in the hospital after a Bankart repair arthroscopy?

A Bankart repair arthroscopy does not require a patient to stay in the hospital after the surgery. They can be discharged on the very same day as the procedure. However, some complicated cases may require one to stay in the hospital for a night.