How to Speed Up Breast Lift Recovery Time?
9 August 2023 0

How to Speed Up Breast Lift Recovery Time?

Recovering after a breast lift is relatively easy and takes only a few days. One must Contact the board-certified plastic surgeon at certified centers for consultation first. One of the questions must include a recovery time-related query.



Some patients require five days of recovery following a breast lift. But you can still have some pain and edema for a few months. You must also adhere to aftercare guidelines and recovery restrictions for six weeks. Here is a general explanation of what it might look like. It is crucial to remember that every patient recovers at a different pace.

What is Breast Lift Surgery?

Mastopexy is often known as a breast lift surgery. It is a cosmetic operation that elevates and accentuates your breasts to appear perkier. Due to their weight and the influence of gravity, large breasts can start to sag and droop. Additionally, severe weight loss or after childbirth might cause breast sagging or ptosis.

Saggy breasts can make you feel less confident and self-assured. You can undergo a breast lift operation. It helps remove extra skin and breast tissue to restore the perkiness of your breasts. Nipple repositioning is a part of the uplift technique. The technique is beneficial if you have advanced breast ptosis, in which case your nipples point downward. There may be a medical insurance rebate available for this.

The final effects of a breast lift might not show up right away and might be hidden by swelling and bruising while you heal. It is highly advised that you adhere to the recommendations made by your doctor. It will speed up breast lift recovery time and guarantee the best outcomes. Also, know more about how long does a breast lift last to get the details you need.

Why Do People Choose Breast Lift Surgery?

Your breasts may become less elastic and firm as you age resulting in sagging. Numerous physical changes you may experience could potentially have an impact on your breasts.

Having breast lift surgery frequently helps to boost one's self-esteem and self-image. A breast lift can be achieved with either treatment, albeit it's not the same as breast augmentation or reduction surgery.

Breast Lift Surgery Recovery Timeline

The average patient needs six weeks to recover after breast lift surgery fully. To prevent issues with healing during this period, it's crucial to adhere to your doctor's post-operative advice. You can start seeing effects shortly by making minor adjustments to your daily routine. What to anticipate throughout your breast lift recovery is listed below:

Shortly After Surgery

Immediately following breast lift surgery, you'll feel some mild discomfort. Fortunately, your surgeon will assist you in prescribing a painkiller and teach you home care methods to lessen your suffering.

You'll need to wear the proper dressings and compression clothing to keep your breasts in place and reduce swelling while at home. Your bandages may sometimes have drains underneath, which your surgeon may remove a few days following surgery.

Weeks 1 and 2

You may feel much more at ease one week following breast lift surgery, though there will still be some swelling and bruising. After a week of recovery, some patients may return to work, while others prefer to hold off for a few more days.

Continue having a healthy diet, getting plenty of sleep, and walking (for short distances). The circulation will improve, and the swelling will decrease with regular activity.

Weeks 3 and 4

You should consider exercising as you enter the third and fourth weeks of your breast lift healing period. Naturally, you must get approval from your surgeon before beginning a new regimen or resuming the activities.

Fortunately, your pain and discomfort will go away after three or four weeks. Even though slight swelling and bruising may still exist, these side effects will disappear shortly.

Weeks 5 and 6, and further

You must quit using your compression garment and begin wearing your ordinary bras with underwires after five to six weeks. When you look in the mirror, you can view accurate results, and the swelling is almost gone.

Follow your surgeon's aftercare instructions from here and begin relishing your new shape!

Getting Back to Work after Breast Reduction Surgery

You can get away with taking a week off if your job is not physically demanding, or you work in an office. However, if your duties require you to carry over 10 pounds or engage in physically challenging activities, you will need more time to return. You may ask the opinions of your surgeon.

You can get a more individualized estimate based on the specifics of your job and the procedure. It's crucial to take your healing slowly. Make sure you give your body adequate breast lift recovery time.



Getting Back to Exercise after Breast Reduction Surgery

Walking is recommended as soon as possible because it might promote recovery and reduce problems. However, you must restrict other physical activity for two to six weeks post-surgery. You must wear compression and support clothing during this time. You can resume more demanding aerobic exercise and heavier lifting after about six weeks.

Tips to Speed Up the Recovery Process after Breast Lift Surgery

Here are a few common tips to speed up your breast lift recovery time:

1). Doctors typically advise patients to wear supportive sports or wire-free bras for the first three weeks. In particular, when there is a breast implant involved, it provides support to the recovering breasts and allows the breast to heal naturally. A wired bra can be worn once the three weeks are up.

2). After breast lift surgery, Two to three weeks of no hard lifting or strenuous activity are necessary. If the job does not involve strenuous physical activity daily, the patient can resume work around a week after the procedure. Light lifting is allowed after two weeks. A six-week recovery period is needed after more strenuous activities. You must avoid pulling, pushing, hard lifting, or any other exercise requiring force until your doctor gives the all-clear.

3). You shouldn't put any more pressure on your chest after a breast lift, and sleep on your stomach.

4). Sutures that need to be preserved should be taken care of during bathing.

5). The most challenging times usually occur in the first few days. There will be some discomfort and anguish for you. While maintaining appropriate ambulation to prevent a blood clot (DVT - deep vein thrombosis), it is beneficial to unwind and avoid making needless motions. You should spend most of your time relaxing in a beach chair position, such as watching TV on the couch while not sleeping. Move your feet up and down as if you were squeezing the gas pedal of a car to maintain lower body circulation.

6). You must keep an eye out for any odd changes.

7). Delay wearing an underwired bra until the doctor gives his approval.

8). Your doctor may remove your sutures two weeks after your breast lift surgery. However, it may take several months for the aftereffects of your procedure to fade. Your doctor may advise you to use treatments to lessen the appearance of scars. Inform your healthcare provider if you are prone to getting wavy spots, so he can review your treatment choices.

9). You can have nausea that is linked to anesthesia after your mastopexy. Your doctor will prescribe you the appropriate medication to treat the condition.


After surgery, most of the pain will go away within a few weeks. But there will always be some leftover swelling. Your breasts will recover into improved shapes six to twelve weeks after surgery. But it can take anywhere from six months to a year to see your results. While deciding on mastopexy, and wanting to know the affordable breast lift surgery price, contact CureIndia. Get a successful surgery without compromising the service quality.

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