How Much Does Breast Reduction Cost in Australia vs India?
28 February 2024 0

How Much Does Breast Reduction Cost in Australia vs India?

Some women suffer from overly large, heavy breasts. For them, breast reduction surgery can be life-changing. In Australia, this surgery is expensive. Australia has one of the best infrastructure. With state-of-the-art technology and advanced equipment, Australia provides the best treatments. That is why, the surgery treatment is expensive there in Australia. The steep pricing makes this transformative procedure out of reach. Comparatively, India offers top-notch breast reductions. They are performed by exceptionally skilled surgeons. The pricing is also a fraction of the cost.



What is Breast Reduction Surgery?

Breast reduction is also called reduction mammoplasty. It is a procedure that removes excess fat, glandular tissue, and skin. It is mostly done on overweight breasts. It is done to improve their appearance. It also reduces discomfort.

The breast reduction surgery procedure involves making incisions around the areola. It is done to reposition the nipple higher up. It helps in reshaping the breast. Excess skin, fat, and tissue are removed. It is done to reduce volume and weight. The incisions are stitched closed. This helps in reshaping smaller, lighter breasts with lifted nipples. Aa it's a surgery, scarring is permanent. However, incision lines usually fade significantly over time. Approximately 4,500 breast reduction surgeries take place in Australia every year.

The benefits of breast reduction surgery include:

  • Increased self-confidence
  • Improved quality of life
  • Decreased frequency and severity of physical pain
  • Enhanced ability to exercise
  • Increased zeal to remain active
  • Better breast symmetry & proportions.
  • Better contour

Elimination of skin irritation issues from excess breast skin folds

Overall, this surgery aims to relieve women. It lifts the psychological burden. It takes away physical burdens too. All these burdens are caused by exceptionally heavy, large breasts. This improves comfort and confidence. The surgery gives an active lifestyle.

How Much Does Breast Reduction Cost in Australia?

The breast reduction surgery cost ranges from AUD 12,000 to AUD 16,000 on average in Australia. It is so when performed by an experienced, specialist plastic surgeon. This cost includes the surgeon’s, hospitals, and anesthesia fees. It includes some follow-up appointments. Despite higher costs, the number of breast reduction surgeries tripled over the past three years.

However, there are often additional out-of-pocket costs. These costs should be considered on top of this price quote. These include:

  • Prescriptions
  • Post-surgical garments
  • Medical tests
  • Additional follow-up appointments

You might decide to combine procedures. These procedures could be pairing breast lift and reduction cost Australia. Then it can be significantly higher ranging from AUD 12000-AUD 15000 in Australia. The specific’ breakdown of average breast reduction costs in Australia includes the following:

  • Surgeon's Fee: AUD 1,500 - AUD 2,000
  • Anesthetist's Fee: AUD 1,000-AUD 1,800
  • Hospital/Facility Fee: AUD 1,000 - AUD 1,230
  • Surgery Cost: AUD 8,000- AUD 10,000
  • Additional Potential Fee - AUD 300
  • Total Estimated Out-of-Pocket Cost: Around AUD 12,350- AUD 15, 000 on average

Exactly how much you'll pay depends on factors like:

  • Surgeon’s experience and qualifications
  • Geographic location/cost of living of the area
  • Complexity of your specific procedure
  • Specific hospital or facility fees
  • Extent of anesthesia needed
  • And more

Keep in mind that general cost ranges are just estimates. The best way to get an accurate quote is to consult directly. You can consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon during an initial consultation.

What about Health Insurance Coverage in Australia?

Coverage can be tricky with health insurance rebates for breast reduction surgery in Australia. Most cosmetic procedures are not covered. However, there are cases where a medical need is demonstrated and confirmed. In those cases, patients may be able to claim some of the costs. It is usually under their general private health insurance.

Potential rebates will depend completely on each patient’s specific health insurer and policy coverage. Assuming areola reduction in Melbourne cost along with breast surgery reduction costs in Australia won't help. It’s important to discuss your options directly with your provider beforehand.

Breast Reduction Costs in India

India offers high-quality breast reduction procedures. These are performed by exceptionally skilled cosmetic surgeons. They perform at a fraction of the cost compared to breast lift and reduction cost Australia. On average, patients can expect to pay AUD 4,500 - AUD 6,000 for their breast reduction surgery while in India. The specific breakdown of average breast reduction costs in India includes:

  • Pre-surgery Cost [Ultrasound, Mammography, Blood test]: AUD 300 - AUD 400 
  • Surgeon’s Fees: AUD 500 - AUD 700
  • Surgery Cost: AUD 2,000 - AUD 2,500
  • Hospital Charges (2 days): AUD 460 - AUD 500
  • Anesthesia: AUD 150 
  • Medications: AUD 50

This means the total comes out to roughly AUD 4,500 - AUD 6,000. Overall, excellent results can be achieved in India. This is achieved for a fraction of what they cost in Western countries like Australia.



Why India Has Lower Cost Procedures?

Breast reduction surgery can be done at much lower prices in India compared to Australia. A few reasons are:

1. Lower Cost of Living: India has a significantly lower cost of living. This is what translates to lower costs for medical services. Facilities, equipment, and hospital stays are all less expensive.

2. Highly Educated Surgeons: India produces some of the top medical talent globally. Cosmetic surgeons are highly educated. They are trained at top international institutions. They offer exceptional skills at very competitive rates. Read more on ‘How long after breast reduction will I know my size’.

3. State-of-the-Art Technology/Infrastructure: Despite lower costs, quality is not compromised. Hospitals and surgical facilities in India offer cutting-edge technology and equipment. The infrastructure is top-notch. India possesses all that Western countries offer. 

4. No Third Party/Insurance Involvement: Overall medical costs are lower. There is an absence of third-party insurance companies and administrative fees.

5. Major Savings on Accommodations: The total savings extends to flights, hotels, food, and transportation. These are all much less expensive than in Australia.

6. Rising Medical Tourism: India prides itself on being a global hub for medical tourism. They deliver unparalleled quality and value of care. That is why the number of international patients grows every year. 

You can opt to have their breast reduction surgery in India. Australian patients can easily save AUD 8,000. They still will get exceptional, personalized care. 

Areola Reduction Costs in Melbourne, Australia

There is this standard breast reduction surgery. In addition, there is another related cosmetic procedure women may consider. This is areola reduction. The darkened area around the nipple is known as the areola. This surgery reduces the size and reshapes that areola. Average areola reduction Melbourne cost typically falls between AUD 8,000 to AUD 12,000. Like any specialized cosmetic surgery, pricing can vary significantly. It happens so based on the factors mentioned previously above.

This price is based on the charges of -

  • Surgeons
  • Assistant surgeons 
  • Anaesthetists
  • Hospital costs

Some Australian private health insurers may help pay for the hospital bed and theatre fees. Getting a doctor’s referral will enable you to claim these costs.

There are excellent breast reduction surgeries available in both Australia and India. But potential savings of many thousands of dollars can be done in India. That makes India an extremely attractive option for cosmetic procedures. More and more Aussie patients are now heading overseas to state-of-the-art hospitals in India. They offer the best value for breast reduction surgery or areola reduction. They rival any facilities found locally.

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