Spinal Tumors Surgery

Spinal Tumors Surgery

Spinal Treatment in India - Spinal Tumor Types & Doctors

A spinal tumor is caused as a result of abnormal cell growth that progresses within your spinal canal or the bones present around the spine area. A spinal cord tumor may also be sometimes referred to as an intradural tumor, as this type of tumor begins within the spinal cord or which is the covering of the spinal cord known as dura. The spinal cord is a part of the central nervous system as it is a bundle of nervous tissues that start from the base of the brain and run towards the bottom of the back. The spinal cord is surrounded by three protective membranes that provide cushion to the spine and protect the spine. A vertebral tumor is a kind of tumor that affects vertebrae, i.e. the bones of the spine. Sometimes the tumors present in the other parts of the body spread or 'metastasize' up to the spinal cord or to the vertebrae, which can also cause tumor in spinal cord. Spinal tumors can cause severe problems like extreme pain, and damage to nerves causing neurological problems and in some cases, paralysis. A spinal tumor is therefore threatening and should be treated.

The estimated worldwide incidence rate of spinal tumors is 100,000 people per year. The prevalence of malignant brain cancer and spinal cancer is 940,000 cases per year. It has been reported that the cancer treatments in low and middle-income countries are insufficient and a lot of people don’t have access to early diagnosis. Because of this, a lot of people have to go through a long waiting list and hence, they reach an advanced stage of cancer. As sufficient cancer treatment is not available in these countries, they seek treatments in other countries.

A lot of people from African countries like Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, and Cameroon visit India every year for the treatment of various cancers including spinal cancer. Cancer treatment in India is of world-class quality and a lot of innovative treatment approaches are incorporated in the Indian healthcare system which helps in providing premium and successful treatment with no further complications. India has emerged as a beacon of hope for many cancer patients as they can receive treatments at a very affordable cost.

Spinal Tumor Types

There are 3 main types of intradural tumors:

1. Intramedullary tumors

Intramedullary tumors are found within the spinal cord itself, with the most common types being gliomas, astrocytomas, or ependymomas. Sometimes, an intramedullary tumor may also be present as a result of the metastasis from a malignant tumor that may have spread to the spinal cord.

2. Extramedullary tumors

Extramedullary tumors grow either around the membrane that surrounds the spinal cord or the nerve roots extending out from the spinal cord. Extramedullary tumors may not begin from within the spinal cord itself; however, they do significantly affect the function of the spinal cord by causing problems like spinal cord compression. The types of extramedullary tumors that with the normal function of the spinal cord include meningiomas, neurofibromas, schwannomas, and nerve sheath tumors.

3. Intradural-extramedullary tumors

Intradural-extramedullary tumors grow inside the dura and outside the medulla and are often found as nerve sheath tumors, meningiomas, schwannomas, or neurofibromas. These types of tumors are mostly benign.

Symptoms of Spinal Cord Tumor

There may be different signs and symptoms of spinal cord tumor, depending on the type of growth of the spinal cord tumor. The signs of a spinal cord tumor are:

  • Severe pain at the location where the tumor is present
  • Consistent back pain, reaching out to other parts of your body
  • Lesser sensation to pain, heat and cold
  • Loss in function of the bowel and bladder
  • Difficulty to walk straight, sometimes causing a fall
  • Worse back pain in the night
  • Paralysis
  • Pain in standing straight
  • Muscle weakness in different parts of your body

Back pain is the earliest and the most common symptom of spinal cord tumors. This back pain is likely to radiate towards the other parts of your body like hips, legs, feet, or arms and may become severe over time, requiring an immediate spinal cord tumor treatment.

Causes of Spinal Cord Tumor

The exact reason as to why most spinal tumors develop still hasn't been found yet. Many medical researchers hold the defective genes responsible for the spinal cord tumor. But this is also not clear if these genetic defects are congenital, inherited, or if they develop over time. Sometimes, spinal cord tumors may develop as a result of being exposed to harmful environmental conditions such as exposure to certain chemicals. But in most cases, the development of spinal cord tumors is related to inheriting syndromes, such as Neurofibromatosis 2 and von Hippel-Lindau disease.

Neurofibromatosis 2:

In this hereditary disorder, the nerves that are responsible for the hearing function are surrounded by benign tumors. Due to the growth of tumors on these nerves, the hearing function of one or both ears may be impaired leading to hearing loss. Some people with neurofibromatosis 2 can also be victims of spinal canal tumors.

Von Hippel-Lindau Disease:

This is a rare but multi-system disorder that is related to blood vessel tumors (hemangioblastomas) in the brain, retina, and spinal cord and with other types of tumors in the kidneys or adrenal glands.

Recommended Doctors for Spinal Tumors Surgery in India

CureIndia helps you choose the right doctor for your medical treatment. Most of the doctors in our associated hospitals have been internationally trained and are active members of many international medical councils and associations. Let's hear from some of the most reputed doctors for Spinal Tumors Surgery in India.

1. Dr Manoj Miglani


2. Dr. Hitesh Garg


3. Dr. Ramandeep Singh Dang

4. Dr. Saurabh Kapoor


Cost of Spine Cancer Surgery in India

The estimated average cost of spine tumor surgery in India can start from 4,500 USD and it can rise up to 8,000 USD. However, the total cost of the treatment is determined by summing up the different costs such as hospital charges, surgeon’s fees, oncologist’s fees, medication costs, travel costs, stay costs, type of treatment planned, etc.

Treatment Cost in India
Spine Tumor Surgery Cost $4,500 - $8,000

Spinal Cord Tumor Diagnosis

Once you realize you possess symptoms of a spinal cord tumor, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will carry out a physical examination to assess the presence and location of the spinal cord tumor.

To confirm the presence of a spinal cord tumor, and to check its exact location and the stage of the cancer, the doctor may carry out the following tests:

  • X-ray test to identify the cancer cells and see if they have spread to any other parts other than the spinal cord.
  • MRI scan to determine the extent or stage of the cancer
  • A biopsy is carried out to determine exactly which type of spinal tumor is present by examining the small tissue sample (biopsy) under a microscope.
  • CT scans are used to confirm the diagnosis of spinal cord tumors by examining your spinal cord, surrounding bones and soft tissues, and nerves.
  • Blood tests are carried out to check whether there are abnormal amounts of components such as calcium, alkaline phosphatase, etc. are present.

Spine Cancer Treatment Approaches in India

There are many different types of treatment approaches for the spine tumor in India. The choice of treatment will depend on the stage of cancer, type of cancer, patient’s age and overall health, etc. Some of the most commonly performed treatments are mentioned below.


The surgical procedure is used to remove the tumors that have formed in the spine without harming the surrounding tissues and the nerves. Nowadays there are many latest advanced medical technologies are introduced in India's healthcare system such as high-powered microscopy which helps the surgeon identify and remove tumors very effectively.


It is a drug-assisted treatment in which the patients are given medicines either orally or intravenously. These drugs destroy the cancer cells in the body and spare the normal cells. Sometimes, these drugs are directly injected into the cerebrospinal fluid for an effective treatment response.

Radiation Therapy:

also known as radiotherapy, uses high beam radiation to destroy the cancer cells in the body. Radiotherapy is classified into two types, external radiation therapy and brachytherapy. Sometimes, the radiation is applied to the entire spine which is known as stereotactic radiosurgery.

Other treatment approaches:

If the spine cancer is caused by a myeloma, then the autologous stem cell transplant is the best treatment. This procedure involves the extraction of the patient’s own stem cells, the use of chemo or radiotherapy to destroy myeloma cells, and the transplantation of the earlier extracted stem cells back into the patient.

Most of the times, the combination of these treatments are done to make sure that no cancer cells are left in the body. Most of the time, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are done followed by surgery to kill any remaining traces of cancer cells.

It's a terrifying experience to learn that you have cancer in your spinal column. Be assured, however, that the medical professionals caring for you will craft a specific and comprehensive treatment strategy that will alleviate your pain and enhance the quality of your life. You should get medical attention if you experience any spine cancer symptoms. Early detection of spinal tumor metastases is possible with regular follow-up sessions after cancer therapy.

Spine Tumor FAQs

What are the other options for the treatment for osteosarcoma in India?

The different types of treatments for spinal cord cancer include surgery, robotic-assisted surgery, bone marrow transplant, targeted-drug therapy, hormone therapy, immunotherapy, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, stem cell therapy, cyberknife surgery, radiosurgery, hi-tech assisted surgery for the spinal tumor, etc.

What is the success rate of spinal cord tumor treatment in India?

Depending on the spinal cord tumor types, the surgeon’s expertise, the type of treatment planned, and the overall health of the patient, the success rate of spinal cancer treatment in India is 98%.

Is cancer of the spine a common type of cancer?

No. The cancer that arises in the spine is a rare type of cancer whereas the cancer that arises in the other organs of the body and spreads to the spine is more common. In fact, the spin is considered the 3rd most common site (after the lungs and liver) in the body where secondary cancer develops.

Are brain tumors linked with spinal tumors?

The tumors of the spine and the tumors of the brain are similar because they both arise from the CNS (central nervous system) of the body and they both develop similar types of tumors.

How long is the waiting period for receiving treatment in India?

Indian healthcare system has zero waiting period and the only time period that you will need to wait is to wait for your visa to arrive which will take about 1 to 3 weeks.

Will spinal cord cancer lead to paralysis?

If the cancer spreads to the vertebrae, spinal cord, surrounding nerve network of the spinal cord, or surrounding tissues, then it can cause pain, paralysis, and other neurological complications in the body.

Are all the tumors that develop in the spine are cancerous?

No. The tumors that develop in the spine can be malignant (cancerous) or benign (non-cancerous). The benign tumors can cause health issues but they do not spread to the other parts of the body whereas the malignant tumors spread to the other body parts and cause additional health issues in the body.

What is the recovery period after the surgery for the spinal cancer?

The recovery after the cancer surgery of the spine can take about 3 to 4 weeks. However, the total recovery time can be different for different patients as everyone's body is different and everyone’s body reacts to the treatments differently.

Will I be able to sleep on my back after the spine surgery?

When it comes to the position of sleeping, the best way is to sleep on the back and on the sides. However, you can use pillows or rolled-up towels to provide extra support to your head, neck, and spine. Make sure to follow the instructions of your surgeon about sleeping positions.