SMILE LASIK surgery is the most advanced refractive eye treatment in the world. Aarash, from Dubai was looking for SMILE (Advanced version of LASIK ) and LASIK eye surgery in India. Approximately 2 million people visit India for medical treatment each year. People from 78 countries trust India’s advanced treatment with a higher success rate. Eye treatments like LASIK eye surgery are famous in New Delhi, India. Also, Optic eye atrophy, cataract surgery, and the most advanced SMILE surgery have been done here for decades.
While searching for eye treatment for one of his relatives, Aarash came to know about CureIndia. He wanted a good hospital to get laser eye surgery done. CureIndia helped Aarash and his relatives with medical VISA procedures, arranged hotel stays, local cabs, and most crucial, doctor appointments.
After completing urology treatment for his relative, Mr. Aarash found a good hospital in New Delhi, India with the help of CureIndia. He discussed his problems with an eye surgeon, regarding the best techniques available for correction of vision. The ophthalmologist explained all surgery techniques to him.
It takes almost two hours to get the whole LASIK eye surgery. The main procedure took about five minutes only. From examination to preparation it took two hours. And Aarash was cured fully after LASIK surgery after 3-4 hours. He went back to his regular life. Aarash was thankful to CureIndia for getting satisfactory eye treatment. He is now living his happy life without spectacles.