How Long After Breast Reduction Will I Know My Size?
5 September 2023 1

How Long After Breast Reduction Will I Know My Size?

The world is perfect with the touch of imperfections. Human beings are all similar yet different regarding their physique and bodily preferences. When some women prefer bigger breasts and buttocks like the Kardashians, some women feel inferior in such features. Such women opt for breast reduction surgery. Not only bodily preferences but also there are many more reasons why a certain number of women choose to lie under knives.



Every year nearly half a million women around the world undergo breast reduction surgery. Reports say that almost 15 thousand women opted for breast reduction surgeries in 2021. Hence, you can easily assume how common the reduction mammaplasty has become.
This article aims to clear all your doubts regarding breast reduction operations. You might be thinking the most common pre-surgery question now, "How Long After Breast Reduction Will I Know My Size?"  Well, read this article until the end, and you will surely get your answer.

What is Breast Reduction?

Breast reduction is a type of plastic surgery that reduces the size of breasts. In this process, a plastic surgeon removes excess breast fat, glandular tissue, and skin to give the pair the desired size and shape of the patient. Surgeons also perform this kind of surgery to fix the positions of the breasts in their right places if they are in unusual positions. However, the surgeon keeps the nipple area intact to maintain the normal function of the breasts. The process of breast reduction is also called mammoplasty.

When Should You Get Breast Reduction Surgery?

A woman decides to reduce the size and shape of her breasts for several reasons. You should keep in mind that this procedure is not only for bodily preferences. Women with bigger breasts may face certain health issues and further consequences. It takes a different mindset to go under the knife. You have to prepare yourself for the change and the procedure for it. Check out the following points to know when you can consider breast reduction surgery:

  • Bigger breasts tend to cause discomfort or severe pain in the shoulder, neck, and upper back region.
  • If you have big breasts, you might already have felt the changes in your posture. A changed and uneasy posture may lead to severe neck pain.
  • A pair of large saggy breasts are prone to develop skin rashes and even infections due to excess sweat accumulation.
  • You can opt for a reduction mammaplasty if you find it difficult to exercise or run or even jog with those bigger sizes.
  • A large percentage of younger women feel under-confident or awkward with the large sizes of their breasts. Self-consciousness and embarrassment play a crucial role here.
  • Lastly, you may find it challenging to find the right clothes size while shopping. Again, ill-fitted bras can be held responsible here.

Process of Breast Reduction Surgery

The process of breast reduction is, obviously, a painless procedure. You will be given anesthetic shots before your surgery. However, you will feel a mild sore after the effect of anesthesia is gone. The process of reduction is given below:

  • Your surgeon will make an incision around the nipple and the areola. The incision may look like a lollipop or an anchor.
  • The procedure brings out the excess fat and glandular tissue and removes extra skin through that incision.
  • After removing them, they will work on reshaping your breasts to look similar and in the right positions.
  • They will alter the nipples, but if you have large breasts, they might remove the nipples too. You will get new pairs in place of old nipples.

Breast reduction is a simple, safe, yet complicated surgery. Any slight mistake, and you may lose your nipples.

Results After Breast Reduction Surgery

You must wait at least six months after your breast reduction surgery to notice the best results. You will see considerable changes during these six months.

After 1 Week

Right after your surgery, you will notice swelling around your breasts. This is natural. After one week, you will see a gradual reduction of the swelling, but not the breast size. It will take time. Please do not put pressure on the incision area, or your wounds may open.

After 1 Month

After one month, you will start noticing small changes like less pain and swelling. You will also notice that they are returning to normal positions and may have dropped a cup size. You can resume your daily activities after one month. However, there might be some swollen areas. Take care of your body now.

After 6 Months

This is the large stage of healing. Healing takes different time spans in different women. But after six months, all your swelling and bruises will disappear. Your breasts will come to their final sizes and shapes. Do not miss out on regular checkups during these six months.

What Can Be My New Breast Size?

It isn't easy to come to a definite conclusion about your new breast size. As there is no standardized measurement for breasts, the cup sizes may differ from one brand to another. One of the leading causes of this issue is the diversity in the shapes and sizes of the breasts. Every woman is unique, and so their body.

Doctors measure breast sizes by the measurements of inches. It is better to go back to the primitive way of measurement. Take a measurement tape and measure your bust size. You will surely notice changes in your new measurements.



How Long After Breast Reduction Will I Know My Size?

You naturally become impatient about the gradual changes in your breast sizes and overall body structure. However, you will have to wait for at least six months to see the final results of your breast reduction surgery.

You will notice a gradual reduction in your cup size. For example, if your former size was D, it may have been reduced to C.

Will My Breast Grow Bigger After Breast Reduction Surgery?

Your breast size and shape will likely reduce and change after a reduction mammaplasty. It will stay the same for some years. However, your breast size will change over time. If you gain considerable weight, your breasts will get bigger. Moreover, when you grow old, they will become saggy. Many women prefer breast lifts for saggy breasts.

Your breast size will alter and grow big in different phases of your life due to hormonal changes like:

  • Pregnancy
  • Breastfeeding
  • Weight gain
  • Hormonal changes due to medications
  • Adolescence

How Should I Take Care of My Breasts?

You must take good care of your health and body during those six months of recovery. Not every individual recovers at the same pace. It will take time. However, you may follow certain instructions to pace up your recovery rate:

1. Wear a Surgical Bra

For the next six months, forget your regular bras. Instead, buy surgical bras for better results. Surgical bras are comfortable and protect your breasts. They hold your breasts in place while healing the tissues.

2. Stay Hydrated

It is essential to stay hydrated all the time. Therefore, while watching signs of breast reduction recovery week by week, you must take extra care of your health. Keep your body hydrated to maintain regular and smooth blood circulation. Do not hydrate your body with soda; rather, drink plain water.

3. Walk Regularly

Walking regularly can improve your breast health as well as your overall body health.


Breast reduction is a safe process, but you must be careful during your recovery. After you recover, you will notice changes in your cup size based on the amount of fat removed from your breasts. Further, you must seek out the best surgeon for breast reduction surgery. However, you should think about medical tourism in India for the best care. Here, you will also receive a variety of additional benefits. To save breast reduction surgery cost and get quality services, must contact CureIndia.

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