How Long Do Dental Implants Last?
6 October 2023 0

How Long Do Dental Implants Last?

If you want to know how long dental implants last, this is for you. Dental implants are becoming increasingly popular over tooth replacement solutions like dentures and bridges. The durability of dental implants compared to other tooth restorations is a significant worry many individuals have while deciding whether to receive dental implants.



Most people want to ensure that their investment in dental implants will be worthwhile in the long term because placing them needs more work than putting in a bridge or denture. The structure of dental implants, the kind of prosthesis being used, and the frequency of replacements are a few of the elements that must be considered to answer the question of how long dental implants survive.

How Beneficial Are Dental Implants?

An artificial tooth or crown is attached to a dental implant through an extremely small titanium screw inserted into the jawbone. The artificial tooth or crown is the only component of the dental implant that is visible. The other two parts are located below your gum line.

Dental implants' numerous health advantages are one of the factors contributing to their popularity. A dentist who provides free consultations can describe the process, timeline, and benefits of a dental implant.

1. Strengthens the Jawbone:

Over time, bone deterioration can be brought on by missing teeth.

Osseointegration is a process that the dental implant triggers since it is positioned in your jawbone. The dental implant and jawbone will fuse after your initial implant procedure. This fusion strengthens and densifies your jawbone, helping to preserve the shape of your face and safeguarding your natural teeth from specific issues.

2. Reduces the Chances of Infection:

The danger of infection is frequently raised when teeth are missing. It's difficult to completely clear the gaps, especially if they are close to the rear of the mouth, and food particles might become lodged there.

3. Enables You to Eat Whatever You Like

With one or no teeth, you can also find that you cannot enjoy your favorite dishes. Apples and steak are meals that many people find difficult to chew or eat. You won't need to limit your diet because dental implants function like natural teeth, so you can eat everything you want.

4. Prevents Teeth Shifting

Last but not least, missing teeth might occasionally make your remaining teeth shift. This shift may leave several tiny gaps that are challenging to clean and could harm your smile.

What Does A Dental Implant Contain?

To properly comprehend the query "How long do dental implants last," let's first list the three essential elements of a dental implant:

1. Implant

An implant is a titanium post surgically inserted into a patient's jawbone to serve as the crown's root.

2. Abutment

The abutment secures the crown to the implant by being fastened to it.

3. Crown

The dental crown, which imitates a natural tooth in appearance, is a ceramic tooth attached to the abutment. The crown and exposed abutment are generally more prone to deterioration than the implant itself.

What is the Average Lifespan of Dental Implants?

Since the average cost of dental implants is relatively high, they are expected to last for a long time. Dental implants may last you for a lifetime with proper care and by practicing good oral habits. A dental implant commonly lasts between 10 to 30 years. Accordingly, the likelihood that an implant will endure the rest of your life depends on your age at the installation time. By getting a dental implant, you are investing in the long-term health of your mouth.

Why Do Dental Implants Last So Long?

Why do dental implants outlast other tooth replacement solutions? An artificial tooth and root system are called a dental implant. It is made up of a crown, an abutment, and an implant root. The implanted root is a titanium post with ridges that resemble screw threads. In the jawbone, the implant root is surgically implanted. A process known as osseointegration will cause titanium, a biocompatible material, to bind with bone. It takes a few months to complete, but once a strong relationship has been created, it can last many years.

What Can I Do to Extend the Life of My Dental Implant?

It does require some simple upkeep on your part for a dental implant to last for years. For instance:

1. Maintain Appropriate Dental Hygiene Practices

Regular brushing and flossing your teeth is essential to maintain a clean mouth. Not just individuals having dental implants are advised to do this. However, sustaining your dental implant depends on keeping your teeth. Maintaining the health of your gums and other teeth immediately supports your dental implant, while your implant is not susceptible to degradation.

2. Visit the Dentist Every Six Months

Regular dental visits are also essential to the longevity of your implant. Maintaining healthy gums and clean teeth will help your implant stay firmly in place. These examinations also reveal potential problems, including gum disease, that can endanger your implant.

3. Stop Smoking

One of the most significant risks to the health of your dental implant is smoking. Your implant may never solidify because it restricts blood flow in the gums' blood capillaries, impacting both the healing and osseointegration processes.

4. No Teeth Grinding

Grinding your teeth or experiencing other occlusal trauma can cause the implant to fracture, the screw to loosen or break, or the porcelain on the crown to crack. The osseointegration process may be impeded if the implant moves somewhat due to the trauma or frequent grinding motions.

5. Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle

Your overall health is crucial to maintaining good dental health. Bone health is essential. Weak bones may cause your jaw bone to weaken to sustain your implant. You can intake vitamins, especially calcium and potassium supplements, for healthy bones. However, it is better to follow an expert's advice before starting intake supplements.



Why Should Dental Implants Be Your First Choice?

The best treatment option for replacing missing teeth is immediate dental implants. Now that you know how long dental implants last, you must know what are the other reasons to choose them instead of other options:

1. Durability

Dental implants are at least as stable and long-lasting as your natural teeth. As a result, dental implants easily outlast other dental restorations, including dentures, bridges, crowns, etc.

2. Easy Maintenance

Cleaning your dental implant is as simple as brushing and flossing your teeth. Removing your implant, brushing it separately, or soaking it in any cleaning is not required.

3. Appearance

Your new tooth will have the same appearance as your other teeth. Even the implant's color will be carefully chosen by your surgeon to complement your natural teeth. As a result, you will need help to detect the difference.

4. Function

You can use an implant like any other device, which is one of its best features. In other words, you're not required to avoid any foods that are crunchy, hard, or sticky. Your dental implant might perform better than your natural teeth.

5. Increases Confidence

Your self-esteem is significantly impacted by how your teeth look. Your confidence can suffer greatly if you have a gap in your grin which can worsen your quality of life.


Dental implants typically last a very long time compared to other tooth replacement options. Properly maintained dental implants can last up to 25 years or even longer. CureIndia assists you to get everlasting brighter smiles without any pain at an affordable dental implants price. Hence you do not think much on, “are dental implants covered by insurance companies in the USA?”

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