FUE Hair Transplant Procedure from Beginning to End
14 September 2023 0

FUE Hair Transplant Procedure from Beginning to End

Those days are gone when you feel embarrassed about the bald patches on your head. You can now regain your high-density, voluminous hair within a short time. For that, you do not have to wait for your fairy godmother or apply any magic serum on your hair roots.

With the advancement of medical science, a new field of the surgical department has vowed to give every patient their desired look. It may be a flawless body with liposuction surgery or perfect hair volume. This field is called cosmetology. Cosmetic surgeons vow to give you the body and hair you think to suit you with your personality.



This article aims to explain the FUE hair transplant process, which is now the most popular hair transplant method.

What is FUE Hair Transplant?

Follicular unit extraction (FUE) hair transplant or FUE hair transplant is the latest method of hair transplant surgery, where the cosmetic surgeon plants every single hair follicle on your head.

The follicles are collected from different donor regions of your body where the hair growth density is higher. Therefore, if your hair is thinning or you have a little hair on your head, the surgeon will remove follicles and implant them on the bald area. It gives a better finish to the overall appearance.

It is the smart replacement for the traditional hair transplant process, the follicular unit extraction, or FUT hair plants. FUE hair transplant ensures thicker growth of new hair; moreover, unlike the FUT hair transplant, FUE is a zero-scar process.

What are the Steps FUE Hair Transplant Process?

The FUE hair transplant process may seem too easy, but it takes much longer and more complicated steps to give new hairs to your bald head successfully. Unlike the FUT hair transplant process, the FUE hair transplant process does not involve peeling off the entire skin patch of the donor area.

However, it is more safe and effective than the traditional method. You can check out the step-by-step explained hair transplant process in the following points:

1. Consultation and Case Preparation

It is the first stage of your FUE hair transplant. You visit a cosmetic surgeon who is an expert in hair transplant surgery. Now, understand that every case of hair transplant differs from the other. Therefore, your surgeon will thoroughly research your medical history and hair condition and evaluate the best for you.

Each case demands special attention to the number of grafts. Therefore, your surgeon will decide the optimal number of grafts for transplantation and their further placement in the specific regions. You will have to undergo initial tests to avoid further complications during the procedure. Make sure you ask about the projected results of the technique.

2. Extraction of Donor Graft

It is the second stage of the FUE hair transplant process. In this stage, your surgeon will shave both the areas of follicle extraction and follicle transplantation. Next, your surgeon will extract donor grafts from your donor area using a specialized micro punch tool.

Unlike the traditional method, grafts are extracted individually rather than extracting all the follicles from the side or back of your head. If you do not have good hair on your head, your surgeon will select another donor area and extract grafts only from that region. Since grafts are extracted individually, they leave no scar at all.

3. Preserving the Extracted Grafts

In the third stage of the FUE hair transplant procedure, the extracted grafts are preserved under special implantation supervision carefully. After successful graft extraction, each graft is cleaned and sorted according to the number of hairs it contains.

Then, the graft is preserved in an active plasma solution. This process of preservation ensures the increase of survivability of the graft. Once grafts are submerged into the plasma solution, they are transferred into refrigerators in Petri dishes until the next stage, implantation.

4. Implantation of the Grafts

It is the most crucial stage of the FUE hair transplant process. At first, you will be put under local anesthetic effect to ensure that you feel no pain during the process. Then, the surgeon will make small incisions on the transplanting region with a specialized needle. The extracted grafts are loaded into special implanter pens. Your surgeon will use those specialized pens and implant hair follicles through earlier incisions. They will carefully implant those grafts in the chosen areas, i.e., the bald and the areas with thin hair in close density.

After the completion of the implantation process, the area will be cleaned and bandaged for a steady recovery.



5. Post-Surgery Processes

The post-surgery processes are as crucial as the surgical processes. Must take good care of your head and strictly follow medical instructions. Your head will remain swollen for a few days. Your surgeon will instruct you not to wash your head for the next three days. Seek professional help to wash your hair after the surgeon's suggestion. Use mild and unscented shampoo. Do not overuse them.

Please do not rub or wear any cap or beanie for a week. However, you have to protect your head from direct sunlight. It would be best if you do not step out of your house for a week. Your surgeon will schedule a post-surgery follow-up to check the improvement.

6. Recovery Period

You will have to be very careful about not causing the slightest inconvenience to your operated area. After the post-surgery follow-up process, you may resume your everyday life as the surgeon has instructed.

Generally, you can go back to your everyday life after a week. However, it will take a couple of months to notice the effective growth of hair. You will eventually notice total growth in eight to ten months. However, it may take longer in some cases.


People often ask, “how long does hair transplant last?” The FUE hair transplant process is a permanent solution to the balding problem. Therefore, if you feel under confident or do not like your thin hair, you can choose the hair transplant method at a budget-friendly FUE hair transplant cost. Every incision in the process is worth your money.

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