How Long Does Hair Transplant Last and Factors Affecting It
1 July 2023 0

How Long Does Hair Transplant Last and Factors Affecting It

Various factors cause premature hair loss, hair thinning, or a receding hairline. Although over-the-counter medicines and topical therapies exist, most patients choose hair transplants for long-lasting benefits.

"How long does hair transplant last" is a common question if you're looking at hair restoration as a treatment for hair loss? A hair transplant treatment can last a lifetime if performed by an experienced and qualified hair restoration specialist.



It is because the follicle, not the scalp, is where the genetic predisposition for hair loss exists. Healthy hair follicles are implanted in balding or thinning areas during the hair transplant procedure. Also, hair with hereditary baldness retains the thick hair growth area features. The only permanent treatment for hair loss is hair transplant surgery for this reason.

Some patients choose to have repeated procedures to increase their hair density because hair loss is gradual. And there is a physical limit to accomplishment in a single hair transplant procedure. However, that only enhances the implanted hair.

What is a Hair Transplant?

Since 1950, hair transplants have become a common surgical practice. More people are now aware of it than ever before in recent decades. The procedure entails removing individual hair follicles from the donor site (FUE) or a skin strip from a head region with healthy hair development (FUT) from the donor site. These follicles fill the bald spots on the scalp. These follicles begin encouraging the growth of new hair as the incisions on the scalp begin to heal.

1) Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE)

In this type of hair transplant, the doctor will use a microneedle to remove individual follicles from the donor location. No stitches are needed since no skin transplant is involved in this procedure. The follicular units are retrieved through tiny incisions made by the surgeon. These cuts will recover and get hidden by hair in a short time. The bald regions' incisions are subsequently filled with individual follicular units. Compared to FUT, FUE is more widespread and results in fewer scars.

2) Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT)

In FUT, the surgeon grafts a whole strip of scalp from the donor area instead of FUE, which extracts individual follicular units. FUT is also known as FUSS (Follicular Unit Strip Surgery). A surgeon maps the thickest hair area as a donor section. Then numbs the area and removes narrow hair-bearing strips. A further division of the strip results in 500 to 2,000 tiny follicular grafts, each containing one or a few hair strands. The follicular grafts use the strip for implantation after the surgeon makes a series of minute incisions in the recipient area.

How Long Does a Hair Transplant Last?

It's common to wonder, How long does hair transplant last when thinking about getting one? Getting your hair transplant performed by a qualified and reputable hair restoration specialist is crucial if you want it to last a lifetime.

You will see the new contour of your improved hairline once the hair transplant operation has finished. However, many people who face freshly transplanted hair may start to fall out in two to six weeks. Although this can be difficult to experience, know that it is typical and that new hair will begin to grow permanently in a few months. It usually takes six months before you notice any substantial improvements in hair growth. After a year, the full effects of the transplant will become apparent.

Since healthy hair follicles are transplanted into bald or thinning areas, hair transplants typically last a lifetime. The patient's hair type, lifestyle, age, and degree of hair loss can impact a hair transplant lasting time. The patient could need repeated treatments to achieve the desired results.

Modern hair transplants appear natural, permanent, and safe. Talk to your doctor immediately about your hair transplant possibilities, regardless of gender, age, or degree of hair loss. These procedures have a high success rate and can restore your lost self-confidence. When thinking about getting one, it's common to wonder how long a hair transplant will last. Getting your hair transplant performed by a qualified and reputable hair restoration specialist is crucial if you want it to last a lifetime.

Are Hair Transplants Permanent?

While concerns regarding the durability of hair transplants are understandable, in most cases, your hair transplant will last a lifetime. As the hair follicles were transplanted from a donor region of your scalp, they will adapt to the transplants sooner and blend in with the rest of your hair in the following months. Each follicle will produce hair that acts like the rest of your hair and grows organically with the surrounding hair.

Additional therapy involving transplanting healthy hairs can prevent hair loss in a person facing pattern baldness and eventually experiencing more hair loss. The transplanted hairs, however, will remain strong and healthy and last a lifetime with the right treatment.

To determine whether you are likely to continue losing hair, our surgeons will consider your family's history of hair loss and the causes of your thinning or loss. In this way, we can predict and plan for future operations and design a hairline and density that will work in unison with them.

These harvested follicles are inserted into scalp areas that are balding or losing hair. A hair transplant is referred to as permanent since it is durable. In addition, healing and recovery require a lot of time.

Which Factor Determines How Long a Hair Transplant Will Last?

The common hair restoration techniques produce natural results that grow like hair. Although patients frequently experience a high success rate for transplantation, a few conditions and choices could potentially affect Does hair transplant last a lifetime? such as:



1) Selecting the Best Hospital and Surgeon

Over the years, the methods utilized for hair restoration surgeries have advanced significantly, and renowned clinics like Feller & Bloxham Hair Transplantation consistently achieve a high success rate for graft development. Unfortunately, there are a lot of poor clinics out there; check out our hair transplant clinic pyramid. Research online and find a surgeon who can provide reliable and efficient results.

2) Acknowledging that Not Everyone can Benefit from a Transplant

Hair restoration procedures are not magic. Hair transplantation results will be less successful in people with extensive hair loss when hair follicles are dormant for two to seven years or in people with thinner donor areas. A few strategically placed transplanted hairs are always preferable for a no-hair condition.

3) Continued Hair Loss

A transplant does not stop further hair loss. Although the newly implanted hair may remain in place for life, the hair around the transplant site may still shed. There are remedies for ongoing hair loss. Click to find out more about quackery and real hair loss treatments.

4) Choosing a donor area with sufficient capacity

Choosing a donor area with sufficient capacity is important because each person's permanent zones are different in size. More grafts might be removed during the hair transplant if the donor area is larger. However, if the permanent zone is tiny or sparse, you might need to modify your expectations for a feasible coverage quantity. It is something a skilled hair transplant surgeon may assist you with.

If you are wondering how much does a hair transplant cost, then you must visit India to get the best hair transplant at an affordable cost.

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