5 Ways to Keep Your Heart Healthy in Your Busy Schedule
28 September 2023 0

5 Ways to Keep Your Heart Healthy in Your Busy Schedule

Our busy lifestyle may make us forget that our precious life depends on internal organs. Suddenly, one day we feel sick and discover the disease. Our rapid and sedentary lifestyles are causing complex heart diseases. The rates of heart disease due to inactive or less body movement are increasing day by day. According to the World Heart Report 2023, above half a billion people are suffering from cardiovascular diseases. CVD (cardiovascular disease) causes 20.5 million deaths in 2021.

In this World Heart Day 2023, we must determine to keep hearts healthy and spread awareness. This blog will tell you about five simple ways to help you keep your heart healthy so that you can serve our beautiful world.

What is World Heart Day?

World Heart Day was first observed on 29 September in the year 2000. It was established by the World Health Organization (WHO) to raise awareness so that people act to keep them healthy. Various organizations like schools, colleges, companies, and NGOs celebrate the day to spread awareness about cardiovascular diseases and prevention. The color symbol of World Heart Day is red.

World Heart Day Theme 2023

The theme of World Heart Day 2023 is “Use Heart ❤️, Know Heart ❤️”. The term “Use Heart ❤️” highlighted the use of heart emojis as a symbol to promote awareness about cardiovascular well-being. “Know Heart ❤️” means knowledge about heart health. The more people become aware and know how to act to keep their heart healthy, the more they can maintain it.

5 Ways to Keep Your Heart Healthy in Your Busy Schedule

People who live an inactive lifestyle may not be aware of it. It is because they are sitting the whole day working in the same place. It is not easy to get time for a walk or activity and sometimes people do not feel like it. However, an active lifestyle will help keep you more energetic and provide you with good mental health.

Despite knowing all the benefits, many people can not switch their lives in an active mode. However, these 5 simple ways may amalgamate with your lifestyle without taking enormous effort or time from you.

1) Walk More

Cover short distances by walking and not driving. A 30-minute walk can calm down your mind and keep your heart healthy. You do not need to run and sweat heavily. Instead of that, you can try to divide 30 minutes into three parts. First, walk 10 minutes at normal speed, then 10 minutes speedier than the first 10 minutes, and next to it, you can provide yourself 10 minutes to calm down while walking at your speed. You can park your car at a distance, so you need to walk. Walk while shopping or go to a shop far from your nearest shop. This way, you can easily increase your steps in a day.

Walking not only helps prevent cardiovascular diseases, but also prevents type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis, and several cancers.

2) Healthy Diet

Our diet is the most important thing. Food can heal or become poisonous. It all depends on your food selection and habits. Therefore, making the right choice and taking the right food at the right time may help keep your heart healthy. So one may think, “What is a healthy heart diet?”

There are several food items you can include to replace junk food. Try to start your day with fresh fruits or herbs. The fiber in herbs or fruits helps lower cholesterol levels. It also boosts digestion. Include Omega-3 with Salmon, tuna, etc. You may replace food with a bowl of beans or eat barley, tofu, or oatmeal.

Snacking can be done with walnuts or almonds. All these food items will provide you with the minerals and strength your body requires. Also, keep your organs healthy. One can visit a dietician to learn more about food and diet.

3) Drink Water

As we keep immersed in our diligent schedule, we may forget to intake proper fluid. As a result, we feel fatigued, muscular pain, and tired. Water helps us to detox our body and keeps our organs hydrated. Our heart can pump blood more efficiently if we keep ourselves hydrated.

Every individual is different and their water needs are different. However, 3 liters or 8-10 glasses of water is the standard water quantity one needs in a day. A clear or hay-colored urine implies we are well hydrated. We can hydrate ourselves with fluid-based food. Fruits and salads also contain a certain quantity of water. Additionally, you must limit your caffeine intake because caffeine leads to dehydration or helps drain fluid from the body.

4) Sleep Deep

Sound sleep can prevent diseases and improve immunity power. For most people, every night 6 to 8 hours of sleep is required. However, you may doubt how sleep can help prevent heart disease. Indirectly, sleep keeps our heart healthy.

Less sleep means an increase in food cravings. These food cravings lead to less healthy and junk food. Also, sleeplessness resulted in high blood pressure and inflammation. Hence, a proper deep sleep is required to suppress CVD or cardiovascular disease. In addition, more than nine hours of sleep may result from depression.

5) Avoid Smoke

Smoking has no good effects on the body. According to the American Heart Association, exposure to tobacco smoke leads to thousands of premature deaths and lung cancer. Certain chemicals that are emitted from cigarette smoke may build plaque in arteries. A passive or secondhand smoker with heart disease is also at higher risk of life as well as an active smoker. Hence, if you have an addiction to smoking, try to minimize the count. After that, try to stop smoking.

Always keep your distance from a smoker. Must remember, whether you smoke it or not the smoke is harmful and the outcome is dangerous for health. Here, you may read on 5 reasons you should quit tobacco today.


We can control the risk of cardiovascular diseases by limiting our addiction, increasing activities, and eating a healthy diet. It will not take a lot of time if we replace our food with healthy food and change our habits in a certain way. In addition, a regular health check-up. It also helps to identify if you have any heart disease or symptoms of heart disease. CureIndia cardiologists help you overcome your heart disease and guide you to prevent it.

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