Is It Necessary to Do Tummy Tuck After C-Section?
10 January 2024 0

Is It Necessary to Do Tummy Tuck After C-Section?

Have you developed a sagging belly or stretch marks after your pregnancy? Do you want to remove them and show that tummy at the beach again? If so, this article is just the thing for you! Welcome, and today we will be talking about a tummy tuck after c-section, why you should consider getting one done, and the benefits. You will get to know the benefits and the treatments that you can avail in Australia.

Let’s go!



What is a Tummy Tuck?

Even though it sounds simple enough, a tummy tuck is a complex plastic surgery procedure. The process involves cutting off tissue and fat from the inside of the stomach skin layers and carving and restructuring the abdominal skin.

The process does carry significant risks if not done by practiced surgeons and plastic surgery specialists. And Australia happens to have the best of the plastic surgery specialists. More than 7000 tummy tuck surgeries are done per year in Australia. With the correct set of skilled personnel, you can regain the smooth tummy you always had. In Sydney, Australia, the costs of a tummy tuck/ abdominoplasty could range from 9,900 to 16,600 AUD and around $6,000-$8,000 in the USA. However, they may vary depending on individual circumstances and the experience of a surgeon.

Let us look at the types of tummy tucks that one can opt for!

What are the Types of Tummy Tucks?

These are some of the types of post-c-section tummy tucks that doctors can perform on you:

1. Mini Tummy Tuck:

It is the least invasive form of a tummy tuck procedure. A mini tummy tuck usually targets only the lower part of the abdomen. It involves making a thin incision just below the bikini line and going there to remove excess tissue and fat. The incision generally runs from hip to hip but can be easily hidden by a swimsuit.

2. Full Tummy Tuck:

A full tummy tuck involves going for the roundness and excess fat around the navel. It is generally prescribed for women with a larger hipbone structure. A specialized doctor will make two incisions, one above the pubic area and another at the navel.

The excess fat and tissue are then removed, and the skin is carved into its original shape by going in from both sides. This procedure produces a better result than a mini tummy tuck.

3. Extended Tummy Tuck:

An extended tummy tuck addresses both the belly area and the flanks. It is generally recommended for those with heavy sagging due to multiple pregnancies. This procedure gives you the best chance at regaining your confidence and the lost tightness in your midriff.

Experienced Doctor's Talk on Tummy Tuck

Dr. Lokesh Handa has been practicing cosmetic surgeries for 13 to 14 years. He has a great knowledge of body symmetry, body contouring, and aesthetics. Watch the video that shares his explanation of tummy tuck procedures.


What are the Benefits of Getting a Tummy Tuck?

These are some of the various benefits that you can enjoy after getting an abdominoplasty after c-section:

1. Flat Tummy:

A tummy tuck helps smooth uneven skin and excess layers that grow during pregnancy. It helps you regain a flat stomach that you can flaunt. It helps to tighten the underlying muscles and give rigidity to the tummy.

2. Reduce C-Section Scar Tissue:

If you had a c-section, you would have earned a good amount of scar tissue. An abdominoplasty can help to reset that and reduce the amount of scarring. It can help you regain your confidence and feel sure about yourself when you reveal your belly. Abdominoplasty is done in Australia by some of the best plastic surgeons.

3. Rid Stretch Marks:

Stretch marks are a sure thing with any pregnancy, except in rare cases. Since the belly stretches well beyond its standard size, it leaves many stretch marks. In some women, they extend to the navel, making it difficult to wear a swimsuit or bikini. With a tummy tuck, these can be easily removed, though!

4. Helps Add Contours:

Among other things, a tummy tuck will help to give back or even enhance your pre-pregnancy figure. During pregnancy, the female body naturally grows to accommodate the fetus. The hip bone extends prominently, giving a curvier look to the female body.

However, a sagging tummy can come in the way of showing your curves. A tummy tuck is, therefore, the best way to further accentuate your curves.



Where Should You Get Your Post C-Section Tummy Tuck Done?

Now you know the benefits of getting a post-c-section tummy tuck, where should you go for the best procedures at the most affordable rates? You can try it out in Australia for its success rate!

Let’s be honest, Australia is not the cheapest when it comes to medical costs. But it has the best of plastic surgeons with a success rate. There are no subsidies from the government, and insurance rates are high. Most insurance companies do not even cover cosmetic surgery charges. However, if you are willing to overlook these and pay more, then you will get the best results. This is because they have some of the best surgeons. They also have some of the best state-of-the-art infrastructure and technology.

Now where?!

That’s simple, you can go to India, that’s where! These are some of the benefits of getting your tummy tuck procedure from the best plastic surgery hospitals and surgeons in India:

1. Highly Cost-Effective

India is the better place to save for a tummy tuck after a C-section than in Australia! That’s because you will pay a fraction of what you would pay here. The discussion and further arrangements to visit India are virtually free in CureIndia! Medical facilities and services are highly subsidized in India so that people can get the best treatment at affordable prices. In Australia, the scene is a bit different. That is the foremost benefit of getting to India for your tummy tuck job!

2. Skilled Doctors and Nurses

The doctors and nurses in India are skilled beyond anything in Australia. India has one of the most difficult medical exams in the world. Thus, the people who become doctors are some of the finest minds in the country as well as the world. It ensures a high medical care and treatment standard at any hospital in India.

3. Hospitality and Care

Let’s be honest, Indians are known for their hospitality! They are defined by it in a way! Thus, when you enter an Indian medical facility, you can expect to get some of the best treatment possible. Both in terms of emotional support and technical expertise, you will be in the safest hands. Thus, it simply does not make sense why you wouldn’t go to India to get your tummy tuck done!


That was all about tummy tucks, folks! We hope that this blog has increased your knowledge about what the process involves, what the benefits are, and why you should reconsider getting your procedure done in Australia!

If you want to know more of such little things about the Australian medical industry, keep following this space. We bring you the latest updates and unknown information about the best things that Australia has to offer. Do you want to know, whether you are an ideal mini tummy tuck candidate? Stay tuned!

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