How Long Does LASIK Last for Vision Correction?
10 September 2023 0

How Long Does LASIK Last for Vision Correction?

Even though science and technology have come so far, doubts regarding health never go away. It is the same with eyes as well. Moreover, people’s doubt about eye treatments is denser than most other issues. The eyes are delicate organs that enable us to see things. It is one of the most crucial senses among the five human senses. You must have heard about LASIK.



The benefits of LASIK are known to all. Let us assume that you want to get LASIK. But, you are confused if it will last long. Well, you have come to the right blog of LASIK. This blog aims to give you positive answers to all your doubts. Please scroll down and read the blog till it ends to get your answers. But before that, we need a quick recap about LASIK.

What is LASIK?

LASIK is an advanced method of eye surgery. LASIK helps you get rid of all sorts of eye problems related to cornea. It is an advanced treatment procedure. The surgery helps correct the refractive errors in your eyes. Refractive error of eyes means when your eyes cannot refract light like usual. As a result, your vision becomes blurry. LASIK surgery is an outpatient eye surgery where you do not have to go under ‘knives.’ Therefore, you can return to your home on the same day. The procedure does not take more than 40 minutes. It is pretty much painless.

Who Can Get LASIK Eye Surgery?

If you wear glasses or contact lenses for poor vision, you can get rid of them. In such a case, LASIK eye surgery will be helpful. However, everybody with poor vision is not a good candidate for LASIK surgery. You are the candidate for LASIK treatment if you have the following:

  • Myopia or nearsightedness
  • Hyperopia or farsightedness
  • A weak vision due to aging or presbyopia
  • Change in shape of cornea or astigmatism

Talk to an ophthalmologist and be assured that you can undergo LASIK eye surgery.

How Long Does LASIK Last?

Generally, if you get your LASIK at a younger age, it will last for at least 10 years. You have to be under 30 at the time of LASIK. But, if you get it done after 30, the longevity may reduce to a certain point. The blurriness caused by age-related factors may impact the eye. But do not worry. It can be cured. It would help if you kept in mind that LASIK lasts long. But other conditions affect it. Your LASIK may last for 5 years if you have severe myopia. Severe myopia means your eye loses near vision quickly.

LASIK is a long-term solution for poor vision. The effects of LASIK eye surgery remain for a long time. However, it entirely depends on the patient’s eye condition if the impact will last longer. That is to say, if you get your LASIK eye surgery done at a younger age, you may enjoy the benefits of LASIK for a long time and forever. Most of the patients enjoy the benefits and do not require another LASIK ever. But certain conditions like Presbyopia in adults may lighten the effects.

The question, ‘Does Lasik Last Forever?’ is tricky to answer confidently. It entirely depends on the condition of your eyes and how your eyes are responding to the treatment. Your LASIK may last forever if you have a normal eye with standard nearsightedness or Astigmatism. If you have doubts, read on, can you get LASIK with astigmatism? But your eye may lose its normal vision quickly compared to others. In that case, your LASIK may not last long. However, it does not mean your previous LASIK was poorly conducted. It cured your eye in that condition. What happens next does not impact the prior treatment. So it would help if you had another treatment to treat that.

Certain underlying medical conditions may be responsible for that. The state of your cornea also plays a part here. LASIK is effective if your cornea is healthy. If your cornea is thin, LASIK may not last long. After many years, such issues are growing, regulating LASIK’s longevity. Therefore, your age, cornea, and time of LASIK decide if it will last long.

In short, LASIK lasts long. You do not need to worry for at least 10 years. If any blurriness develops, visit an ophthalmologist.

Can The Effect of LASIK Wear Off?

The effects of LASIK are a permanent thing. If anyone says that outcomes are reducing, that is a myth. The results may ‘seem’ to decline, but they do not. What changes here is the underlying condition of your eyes. When you get LASIK, your surgeon corrects the existing refractive errors in your eyes. However, certain medical conditions like Presbyopia or cataracts may impact your normal vision. At that time, your LASIK may seem ineffective.

Presbyopia is a medical condition where your lenses become less flexible than usual. It is usually found in adults over 40 0r 50. If you get LASIK after 40, the results will last, but the effect will not. You will still look blurry.

Another example is cataracts. You may think that LASIK can cure cataracts. But a surgeon is the best person to tell you that. You may develop cataracts even after your LASIK. The vision clarity may be deterred even after LASIK. In that case, you need another surgical treatment.



Is LASIK Permanent?

Yes. In most cases, LASIK is permanent. The surgeon changes the shape of the cornea permanently. You may not need another LASIK if your eye condition stays the same. But in some cases, the effects of LASIK seem to get lowered after 10 years. This is because of changes in your eyes in that condition. Your surgeon lifts the flap and changes the shape of your cornea. If you have myopia or Astigmatism, your condition will get better with LASIK.

Even if you need a second LASIK, the effects of the first LASIK are constant. It cures all refractive issues existing at the time of treatment. If things change again, you will need LASIK again. Hence, what it did to your eyes is permanent.

Can You Get LASIK Twice?

If you notice that your vision’s clarity is reducing, you need to see a doctor. The process of LASIK enhancement is not very uncommon. You may start seeing things blurry after 10 years of initial LASIK. There could be various reasons for that. Your cornea shape may change. You may develop Presbyopia and many more. The enhancement process is similar to LASIK.

If the surgeon permits, getting LASIK twice or thrice is perfectly safe. They lift the flap again and make the required changes. As long as your cornea is thick enough, it is safe. The thickness of your cornea decides if you can get another LASIK. CureIndia facilitates the best services for LASIK eye surgery cost savings at state-of-the-art eye hospitals in India.


In short, LASIK lasts long for vision correction. It lasts forever in most cases. Even if it does not, it lasts for at least 10 years. Though there are some conditions. Other issues like cataracts, glaucoma, and Presbyopia can affect the results of LASIK. So, if anyone asks you the obvious question, ’Does Lasik Last Forever?’, you know what to tell them.

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