Dental bridge vs. implant: Pros and Cons you want to know
7 June 2023 0

Dental bridge vs. implant: Pros and Cons you want to know

Losing teeth can change the way your smile looks and make it hard for you to eat and speak. It can also really hurt your sense of self-worth. It is thought that about 69% of people between the ages of 35 and 44 have lost a minimum of one adult tooth. Approximately one-quarter of Americans lose all of their adult teeth by the time they are 74.



When you lose a tooth, it's essential to get a suitable replacement so that your other teeth stay in the right place. Replacing teeth can also help you keep the shape of your face and keep you from having trouble eating or talking. Dental braces and implants are two of the most popular choices.

Dental bridges are replacement teeth held in place by the teeth on either side of the missing tooth. They are generally made of porcelain or plastic to match the color of your natural teeth. They can cover one lost tooth or several.

Dental implants are generally made of metal and look like natural tooth roots. They hold a crown or bridge in place by screwing into your jawbone.

Let's compare the pros and cons of bridges and tooth implants. We'll also talk about dental bridge vs. implant, which can help you determine which choice is best for you.

Dental Implant vs. Bridge

Before you can decide which tooth restoration choice is best, you need to know how each one works. Let's look at a dental bridge vs. an implant.

What Is a Dental Implant? 

Most people don't realize how difficult a tooth's inner makeup is. When this structure, made up of bone, tendons, and nerves, is taken away, the area around it starts to fall apart slowly.

A tooth implant replaces this structure with a metal post, usually made of titanium. A few months should be enough for new bone to grow around the metal implant. After your dentist checks the new structure and decides it is strong enough, a crown is put on top of the implant and fixed.

What Is a Dental Bridge? 

A dental bridge connects the healthy teeth on either side of a gap to form a bridge across the space in the smile of the person who gets it. In older forms of the process, the teeth on either side of a gap are filed down to make room for a bridge.

The lost teeth are then replaced by a bridge that goes over each tooth and has a cap on it. When only one tooth is lost or in areas of the mouth that can't handle as much force, dentists now frequently employ a "winged" or "Maryland" bridge that is attached to the nearby teeth instead of a "full cap" bridge.

The Pros and Cons of Dental Implants

The most natural-looking replacement is a dental implant. They appear, feel, and work like natural teeth, and they also become a lifelong part of your jawbone. They are potent, stable, and will give you more confidence. One of the best things about dental implants is that they make the teeth around them less stressed and help the bone and gums under the teeth heal. 

Another benefit of dental implants is that they can last a lifetime if they are made well. It can last 15 years or more. They don't need much care, like brushing and using a Waterpik. Even though the treatment is more expensive than dental braces, it will save you money in the long run and keep you from having to deal with pain, soreness, and multiple trips to the dentist. Also, the success rate of dental implants is very high, approximately 97%.

One problem with tooth implants is that they can be pricey. Particularly when many teeth need to be changed in different spots, even using an implant to repair just one tooth can cost a lot of money.

The Pros and Cons of a Dental Bridge

One of the best things about bridges is that they are among the least expensive ways to replace lost teeth. Bridges are also helpful because they don't need bone grafts if there is bone loss. Bridges are also a faster way to replace teeth that are lost.

One of the biggest problems with bridges is that they put more stress on the teeth and gums around them, particularly the two teeth that hold the device in place. Because of this, most people don't expect a bridge to last forever. 

When compared to dental implants, they require more care to keep them clean and healthy. To prevent the growth of germs, which can cause gum inflammation and loss, you need threaded floss with a special coating. Every 5–7 years, you'll need to change it.

Dental Implant vs. Bridge cost

Bridges are typically less expensive upfront than implants, and dental insurance is more likely to cover at least certain expenses. The prices can fluctuate based on the kind of implant or bridge you are receiving, the material used, the extent of the procedure, and your location will determine the cost.

As per the American Dental Association, a low-end dental bridge costs approximately USD 2000 to USD 4000. This does not include the how much is a dental crown that connects the tooth to the adjacent teeth. The cost of a crown can range from USD 1000 to USD 2000 per tooth.



Typically, full mouth dental implants cost is in between USD 3000 - USD 5000. Insurance plans are less likely to pay for dental implants.

However, dental tourism is the most effective method for lowering the overall cost of dental treatment. Additionally, you can visit popular places and take advantage of vacations. 

The dental implant cost in India ranges from USD 500-800.  Here, a cost comparison table shows how you can save maximum on dental implants, dental bridges, or dental crowns.

Dental Treatment Price Comparison USA India
Dental Implants 3000 - 5000 USD 500 - 800 USD
Dental Bridge 2000 - 4000 USD 300 - 500 USD
Dental Crown 1000 - 2000 USD 200 - 300 USD

Therefore, you can visit India to get dental surgeries done without putting a burden on your pocket.

Even though implants are initially more expensive than bridges, they tend to last longer and require less frequent replacement. Well, you should look into dental tourism in India for cheap tooth implant treatment. Dental tourism to India can save money on the cost of dental implants.


There are two ways to replace a lost tooth: dental implants and bridges. Dental bridges have a higher probability of being covered by your insurance and take less money upfront.

If money isn't a problem and you're in good health, dental implants can be a better choice because they last longer and don't hurt the teeth around them. However, if you are looking for an affordable dental implant treatment, consider dental tourism to India.

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