Testicular Cancer

Testicular Cancer

Testicular Cancer Treatment in India - Causes, Symptoms & Cost

Testicular cancer is cancer that occurs in the testicles of a human. In this cancer, unusual cells start to grow on the tissue of any testicles. These testicles are located under the penis, shaped like a bag of skin. It helps in the production of sperm and other sex hormones in male reproduction. Males between the age of 15 to 34 are most common to have this cancer. 

This cancer is very easy to cure with the right treatment at an early stage. But, without the proper treatment or coming to treatment at the last stage can cause many troubles. Testicular cancer is very common in Africa, to get the proper testicular cancer treatment visit the Fortis, BLK, and other hospitals in India. Compared to other cancers, testicular cancer is easy to cure. 

Testicular Cancer Types

Mainly testicular cancer is divided into two separate types, such as Seminomas and Nonseminomas. Seminomas are the type of cancer that spread slowly in the testicle and lymph nodes but do not spread to other areas. Nonseminomas are very common, and they spread very fast to the other parts and organs of the body. Apart from them, some cases of cancer also occur in produce hormones tissues, and they are known as gonadal stromal tumors.

Symptoms of Testicular Cancer

In some cases, the diagnosis of testicular cancer shows no symptoms. However, in the later stages of testicular cancer, you might find some symptoms. Here are some of the common symptoms are listed below.

  • Discomfort or testicular pain as a lump/enlargement in any of the testicle
  • Swelling of testicles or feeling of heaviness in the scrotum
  • Lower abdominal pain or back pain in the groin area
  • Breast tissue enlargement or feeling tenderness
  • Pain or discomfort in one of the testicle region, as cancer only affects one testicle

Causes of Testicular Cancer

The cause of testicular cancer is not clear in many of the cases as this occurs under different circumstances with alteration of testicle cells. Healthy cells grow in the body and divide in a common manner for normal body functioning. In the case of abnormal body growth and uncontrolled condition cancer, cells tend to divide and reproduce. This phenomenon occurs in the absence of new cells, and it accumulates cells in the testicular regions to form a mass. Testicular cancer treatment starts within this area, as this type of cancer affects sperm production. Immature sperms are produced, and this causes cells to become abnormal and develop cancer.   

Risk Factors of Testicular Cancer

Many risk factors can increase the risk of developing testicular cancer. You need to be extra careful with these risk factors given below. Most of them are treatable but you need to do regular screening to get early testicular cancer treatment. Some of the most common risk factors are given below.

  • History of testicular cancer in the family can increase the chances of developing it. If there is a family history of developing testicular cancer, then do the screening regularly for early testicular cancer treatment.
  • Age is one of the most risk factors for developing testicular cancer. Most testicular cancer tends to happen in the younger men between the age of 14 to 36 but it can develop at any age.
  • Genetic disorder syndrome is also a very common cause of testicular cancer. Men with this syndrome have a higher chance of developing cancer.
  • If you have any history of getting cured of testicular cancer in one testicle, then you are at high risk of getting cancer in another one.
  • If you are having any problem with your fertility or conceiving a baby, then most of the cases it happens for testicular cancer. If you have any fertility problem, visit a doctor today for screening and get early testicular cancer treatment.
  • If you have a condition known as cryptorchidism, then you are at a high chance of developing testicular cancer. Mostly cryptorchidism happens from the birth of a baby. Early born babies have a high risk of developing this condition. 3 out of 100 babies tend to not drop down the tests into the scrotum.
  • If you are having an infection of HIV or AIDS, then you are at high risk of developing testicular cancer.
  • Get the screening today to get early testicular cancer treatment.
  • If you are having abnormal testicular development, then you have an increased risk of developing testicular cancer.

Testicular Cancer Treatment

Three general categories can be used for testicular cancer treatment, and this can refer to other cancer treatment procedures. Depending on the cancer stages, the selection of this cancer treatment is recommended by medical professionals. If you are a resident of Africa, you can visit India for testicular cancer treatment at a very affordable price from the best hospitals such as Mandata, Artemis, BLK etc.


Surgery is widely used for testicular cancer treatment, which is the removal of one or both testicles and affected areas as per diagnosis outcome. In such cases surrounding lymph nodes are sometimes targeted as they can spread cancer to the surrounding creating a huge mass of lump. Abnormal growth can be restricted using this surgical process, however, there is no certainty of this testicular cancer treatment, as it can relapse from the previously affected areas for both stages and treat cancer.

Radiation Therapy

In this process of testicular cancer treatment, high-energy rays are used for the treatment of cancer cells. The application of such a treatment process is not used randomly as this needs a pre-testing phase depending upon the suitable application site. In many cases, the patient’s body fails to accept and utilize radiation therapy as this causes adverse health conditions. Both internal and external processes for radiation therapy can be considered in this process. It is done through a machine that aims to the target area with a beam of radiation for internal radiation and this includes the use of radioactive seeds or wires placed in the affected area. On the other hand, external radiation uses a machine, which aims at radiation in the cancerous area. Both Testicular cancer and Sarcoma testicular cancer can be treated with this process.


Chemotherapy is the use of medicines to kill cancer, and it is a systematic treatment, which can be used for the termination of cancer cells for travelling to other parts of the body. Medicines are applied through an oral process or by veins, and it travels through your bloodstream for the termination of cancer cells. Advanced cases of testicular cancer can lead to high-dose chemotherapy. Stem-Cell therapy is also used in many cases of high-dose chemotherapy and transplant. Destruction of the cancer cells is the main target of this testicular cancer treatment, and this is administered for the development of cancer cells to healthy blood cells.

Success rates of Testicular Cancer Treatment

Male sex hormones and sperms produced in the testicles is the main reason for Testicular cancer. This type of cancer can be seen in men between 15 to 34 years with a cure rate close to 95%. The second peak of cancer can be seen after the age of 50 years. However, this type of cancer is rare in the Indian subcontinent with 1 affected in 1 lakh men.

If you are having any of thee symptoms or risk factors, then visit a nearby doctor today to complete the screening.

Testicular Cancer Treatment FAQs

How long does a testicular cancer patient live?

This is one of the tumors that are most easy to cure. The five-year survival rate for males diagnosed with prostate cancer is around 95%. It provides much breathing room to contemplate your life following the operation.

Is testicular cancer dangerous?

Although it is uncommon, testicular cancer can lead to fatal outcomes. Yet, the early discovery significantly impacts your prognosis and treatment options. The sooner you consult a healthcare professional and get a diagnosis, the better your chances will be of avoiding cancer altogether.

Does testicular cancer spread?

The lung and lymph nodes of the pelvis, chest, and base of the neck are the most common sites of testicular cancer metastasis. At later stages, cancer may have grown to the liver & bones. Unless the original tumor is choriocarcinoma, testicular cancer rarely progresses to the brain.

Does testicular cancer affect fertility?

Testicular cancer and its treatment might result in infertility. Before beginning therapy, men who may desire to have children may consider saving sperm in a sperm bank. Yet testicular cancer can also produce low sperm counts, making it difficult to get a decent sample. Infertility can also be a problem for testicular cancer survivors later in life. If a male has already reached that age, sperm banking is generally a viable alternative because frozen samples aren't damaged by extended storage periods.

What are the Preventions of testicular cancer?

There is no known way to stop testicular cancer from happening. This is why it's so important to find problems early. Experts say that all young men should check their testicles once a month. There is also no recommended way to prevent hydroceles, varicoceles, or testicular torsion. Epididymitis can be avoided if you have safe sex and don't do heavy strain or lifting when your bladder is full.

What is the difference between a hydrocele and testicular cancer?

A hydrocele is a disease in which fluid buildup in the sac that contains the testes, also known as the scrotal sac. On the other hand, testicular cancer is an uncontrolled growth of malignant cells in the testes. The condition known as hydrocele develops when fluid collects in the scrotum due to remnants of the peritoneum, which is the lining of the abdomen, being present there.

What is the cure rate of testicular cancer?

Testicular cancer is treatable. Even though receiving a cancer diagnosis is almost always devastating, the good news is that testicular cancer may be effectively treated in 95 percent of instances. There is a 98% chance of recovery when caught early and given the proper treatment.

What is the diagnosis of testicular cancer?

After examining a lump or other changes in your testicle discovered via a self-exam, your healthcare practitioner may diagnose testicular cancer. Sometimes, testicular cancer is detected during a regular physical examination.
A physical exam and medical history, Inguinal orchiectomy and biopsy, Ultrasound, CT scans, X-rays, and MRIs are standard procedures and tests used to identify testicular cancer.