Infertility in Women

Infertility in Women

Infertility Treatment for Female in India- Treatment Cost, Top Hospitals & Best Doctors

Infertility is mainly defined as the situation where you and your partner have been trying to have a biological child for the last 12 months but have not succeeded in achieving a pregnancy. Nowadays, this condition has become common, and many couples are having this issue. It is important to know that the inability to have a child can be due to male or female infertility, meaning that in a couple either the female is infertile or the male is infertile.

Infertility Treatment in India

According to the reports, about 17.5% of couples are facing infertility issues requiring increased access to high-quality and affordable fertility care. The highest prevalence of infertility is in the African region, where about 16.4% of couples are facing infertility problems. Infertility issues are often neglected in many African countries due to the limited resources and expensive fertility care. It is due to this reason that many couples decide to fly to another country for the correct and affordable infertility treatment for females.

India is a well-known country for its high-quality medical treatments as well as infertility treatments for decades. It was in 1978 that the world’s 2nd test tube baby was born successfully in India after 67 days of 1st test tube baby born in England. In recent years, due to the popularity of Indian female fertility clinics and the quality of the treatments, many international patients from around the world have been traveling to India for affordable and successful infertility treatment for female.

Common Symptoms and Signs of Infertility in Women

The very main symptom of infertility in a woman is their incapacity to get pregnant. If a normal menstrual cycle is too long, too short, or highly irregular in many cases, then it would mean that you are not ovulating properly and your hormone levels are imbalanced. The other common signs and symptoms of infertility in woman are listed below.

  • Heavy, painful, and longer menstrual cycle.
  • Pain during sexual intercourse.
  • Irregular periods, which are often accompanied by spotting in between the cycles.
  • Constipation, nausea, and fatigue.
  • Chronic back pain and pelvic pain even on period-free days.
  • No menstrual cycle for a few months. Periods suddenly stop.
  • Change in the appearance of menstrual blood (pale or dark menstrual blood).

If you are over 35 years of age, then you should have regular checkups and visit your gynecologist. Some of the cases wherein people of respective age groups can consult a doctor are as follows:

  • Until age 35, most doctors recommend couples try to get pregnant for at least 1 year before appropriate treatment.
  • For age groups between 35 and 40, you can discuss it with your respective doctor after trying for 6 months.
  • For women who are older than 40, you need to immediately consult your doctor for effective treatment.

What are the Cause of Infertility in Women?

Infertility in Women

For pregnancy to occur properly, each step of the reproduction process must happen properly with no complications. Many of the fertility clinics would be able to identify these issues. Some of the steps in this crucial stage include:

  • The release of an egg from the ovaries into the fallopian tube.
  • Travelling of sperm through the vagina, cervix, uterus, and up to the fallopian tube and reaching the egg for fertilization.
  • Transport of the fertilized egg from the fallopian tube to the uterus.
  • And implantation of a fertilized egg (which will now be called an embryo) inside the uterus.

There are several factors that can disrupt the normal process of ovulation and other functions of the female reproductive system. There are several possibilities that can be the reasons for infertility in women, due to which it is difficult to point out the exact cause in individual women. Many times the cause of infertility in PCOS is hormonal imbalance, which is caused by many other factors such as environmental factors, genetic factors, lifestyle factors, etc. The reasons for infertility in women can be:

PCOS treatment in India

1. Problems in the uterus:

Some women develop fibroids (tumours) in the uterus, which can be either cancerous or non-cancerous, but it greatly affects the ability of the fertilised egg to implant in the uterus.

2. Problems in the fallopian tube:

If you have any diseases like tuberculosis, infections, etc., then the fallopian tube gets blocked and does not allow the egg or the sperm to travel.

3. Problems in ovulation:

There are many diseases and disorders, such as PCOS, hypothalamic dysfunction, etc. that affect the ovulation process in a woman.

4. Problems with the egg (ovum) count and quality:

Women are born with a fixed number of eggs, and as you age, the quality of eggs deteriorates.

5. Endometriosis:

It is also one of the most common cause of infertility in endometriosis in women, where the endometrial tissues start to grow in unusual organs such as uterine walls, ovaries, pelvic areas, etc. It causes painful menstruation, blockages in the fallopian tubes, and often develops cysts in the ovaries.

6. Environmental factors:

These factors include prolonged exposure to harmful substances like pollution, radiation, heavy metals, etc. Lifestyle factors: If you are a heavy smoker and alcohol consumer, then you have a higher risk of developing infertility.

Infertility Treatment for Female in India

Before initiating the treatment, your doctor will want to conduct some fertility tests for women to confirm the infertility. The most common fertility tests for women include blood tests, BBT charting, Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy, Ovarian reserving test, etc.

Infertility in women can be a cause of concern for many couples, but there are a lot of treatment options available owing to multiple breakthroughs in this. So, couples need not worry about any possible complications after they have looked at the infertility treatment for female options in India.

1. IVF - In vitro Fertilization

IVF in India

IVF or In vitro fertilization, is a fertilization process wherein the egg is combined with the sperm outside the body. This would involve detailed monitoring and even the stimulation of the woman’s ovulation process. It is primarily also called the “test-tube baby technique” when a lot of other options are not deemed useful. The IVF treatment cost is considerably affordable as of today.


ICSI Treatment

ICSI or Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection is one of the fertility options for women that involves a process wherein a single sperm would be infused into the egg directly using the laboratory process. Once the fertilization is confirmed, embryos will be formed, and they will then be transferred to the woman’s uterine cavity for 2–5 days.

3. IUI or Intrauterine Insemination

IUI fertility treatment in India

IUI or Intrauterine Insemination is a procedure that involves placing the sperm inside the uterus of a woman so that an effective fertilization process takes place. The reason behind doing so would be to increase the sperm count that eventually reaches the fallopian tubes, and that can intensify the chances of fertilization.

4. Fertility Restoration Drugs

There are some fertility drugs that are available in the market that can regulate the fertilization process and stimulate ovulation as well. Some of the drugs mentioned below would work like natural hormones so that the ovulation will kickstart. However, you should only take these medicines after consultation with your gynaecologist. Some of these drugs include:

i. Clomiphene Citrate - It can be consumed in the form of pills and it can help with stimulating the ovulation process. What it does is it forces the pituitary gland to release the follicle-stimulating hormones and luteinizing hormones ensuring the growth of the ovarian follicle.

ii. Gonadotropin - This is mostly administered through an injection, and this would stimulate the ovary to generate more eggs. Another form of gonadotropin is used to mature the eggs and accordingly time its release when ovulation happens. There are chances that the woman would conceive more than one child during this process.

iii. Metformin - This drug is used when the probable cause of infertility in women is the resistance of insulin. This can usually happen in women who have a case of PCOS. The drug would efficiently help in countering insulin resistance and also improve the level of ovulation.

iv. Bromocriptine - This drug is a form of dopamine that is used when there is an excessive creation of prolactin from the pituitary gland. It can help the consumer to cease any possible ovulation issues.

Top Doctors for Infertility Treatment for Female in India

CureIndia helps you choose the right doctor for your medical treatment. Most of the doctors in our associated hospitals have been internationally trained and are active members of many international medical councils and associations. Let's hear from some of the most reputed doctors for the treatment of infertility in a woman in India.

1. Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour

Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour is an MBBS, MD in Obstetrics & Gynecology, and DNB in Medical Genetics. She is a renowned gynaecologist, obstetrician, and fertility specialist who has 17 years of experience in this profession and has treated thousands of couples. Dr. Gour completed her medical & obstetrical qualifications from Mumbai in the year 2000. To add in her accolades, she was also involved in the treatment of the first cases of legal surrogacy in India.

Dr. Shivani Sachdev Gour - Gynecologist and Fertility Specialist in India

2. Dr. Astha Gupta

Dr. Aastha Gupta is an obstetrician, gynecologist, fertility doctor, and IVF consultant, associated with Delhi IVF and Fertility Research Centre. The clinic treats infertility in both men and women using procedures such as IUI, IVF, IVF- Egg donation, surrogacy, endoscopy (Hysteroscopy / Laparoscopy), stem cell therapy, and associated therapies. She has perfortoed more than 5000 ova pick-up procedures & has also assisted more than 4200 fertility-enhancing endoscopy procedures. As a fertility doctor, she has also contributed to many studies in the research center like repeated implant failure, the role of G-CSF in poor endometrial lining & response, the role of adjuvant therapies like prophylactic curettage, etc.

Dr. Astha Gupta - Fertility Specialist in India

3. Dr. Sonia Malik

Dr Sonia Malik is a veteran obstetrician and gynecologist with specialization in ART (Assisted Reproductive Technology) & IVF specialist. She has expertise in Reproductive Endocrinology & Immunology, Genital Tuberculosis, Advances in Assisted Reproductive Techniques (IVF, ICSI, IMSI), and Premature Ovarian Failure.

Dr. Sonia Malik - Gynaecologist and IVF Specialist in India

4. Dr. Meenakshi Dua

Dr. Meenakshi Dua is a reproductive endocrinologist and has treated hundreds of patients helping them find the answers for their infertility from the past 16 years. She has done her graduation and post-graduation from KMC Manipal and she has also trained in advanced level obs and gyne ultrasounds including Doppler and ART.

Dr. Meenakshi Dua - Infertility and Reproductive-Endocrinologist in India

Cost of Fertility Treatment for Female in India

Many people from African countries like Tanzania, Congo and Nigeria, travel to India seeking the best treatment at minimum cost. The cost of female infertility treatment in India is more profitable than any other country. The fertility clinics in India provide various tests and the latest modern treatments like IVF, IUI, Laser-assisted hatching, ART, PRP, Stem cell treatment, and use of AI for gamete and embryo selection, etc. for the people wanting to become parents but facing some issues. Fertility clinics in India have the most experienced and cooperative staff. Below mentioned is the average cost of Female Infertility treatment in India

Treatment Cost in India Stay in India
IVF + ICSI Female Infertility Treatment in India $3,500 - $4,000 6 Weeks
Stem Cell Female Infertility Treatment in India $2,000 1 Week

Fertility treatment for female in can be lengthy, especially if the female factor causes the infertility. The female infertility treatment should be initiated immediately if you are more than 30-40 years old because, as you age, the quality of eggs starts deteriorating, leaving you with a very tiny amount of healthy eggs. As the success rates of IVF and other fertility procedures are very high in India, a lot of couples from across the world are travelling to India for a successful pregnancy. India not only contains high-rated IVF clinics but also has the most experienced medical staff and fertility doctors. The medical staff have good communication skills, and therefore the language is not a barrier in this country. With the most advanced technology and treatment options available, India has emerged as a beacon of hope for many international couples seeking the right and profitable infertility treatments.

Infertility in Women FAQs

What are the foods that cause infertility for women?

Sugary foods are thought to raise the chance of infertility in women. Therefore, it's essential to limit your intake of excess sugar. A few items can contribute to a woman's inability to conceive, including excess fried foods, drinks high in caffeine, high sugar diets, etc. Make sure to eat healthy and include foods rich in protein, healthy fats, vitamins, and minerals in your daily diet.

Does Vitamin D deficiency cause infertility in a woman?

Yes. The deficiency of vitamin D leads to infertility in both men as well as women. Vitamin D deficiency can be involved in causing PCOS, uterine fibroids, and other problems in the reproductive system in females and it can affect the quality and quantity of sperm in males.

Is cocoa good for improving fertility in women?

In terms of its nutritional value, dark chocolate is a rich source of minerals such as calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron, and potassium, all of which contribute to the preservation of hormonal equilibrium. These minerals are essential for maintaining a healthy sperm and egg count, as well as ovulation, the thickness of the endometrial lining, and strong bones.

What is the difference between primary infertility and secondary infertility?

When a person has never achieved a successful pregnancy before and is trying to conceive a baby but facing failure in achieving so, it is known as primary infertility in women, whereas secondary infertility is when the person has had at least one successful pregnancy in the past but is now facing infertility issues.

Is infertility hereditary in women?

Yes, hereditary factors can lead to infertility in women. Due to hereditary circumstances, many women cannot conceive & deliver a healthy child. A hereditary chromosomal defect can cause infertility in a woman.

What are the natural treatments for infertility in a woman?

The natural infertility treatment for female in India include consuming antioxidant-rich meals. Antioxidants such as folate and zinc may enhance fertility in both men and women. In addition, have a larger breakfast, avoid trans fats, reduce your carb intake if you have PCOS, consume less processed carbohydrates, consume extra fiber, be active, and take multivitamins. Make sure to indulge yourself in daily regular exercises and get proper sleep. Quit smoking and consuming alcohol immediately.

What is the Infertility rate in men and women?

Both women and men are just as likely to have problems getting pregnant. According to the Office of Women's Health, around one-third of instances of infertility may be linked to female factor infertility, whereas another third of cases of infertility can be related to issues experienced by males. Hence, 50% of infertility cases are due to female factors and 50% of infertility cases are due to male factors.

Will taking birth control contraceptives deplete my fertility?

The inability to become pregnant while being on contraception is not considered as infertility and taking birth control contraceptives does not hinder your future fertility (ability to become pregnant when not on contraceptives). However, it should be noted that prolonged use of contraceptive medication will hinder your normal hormone levels in the long run and eventually show symptoms of infertility.

Is thyroid disease related to infertility in a woman?

Yes. Your thyroid may or may not be related to the cause of infertility in women. However, if you have a low level of thyroid hormone, then it can interfere with the process of ovulation by restricting the release of the ovum (egg) from the ovaries to the fallopian tubes.

How long will I need to stay in India for the complete infertility treatments?

The duration of your stay in India depends on the individual and the type of fertility treatment for women you are undergoing. However, you will need to stay in India for a minimum of 6 weeks and further you can extend your stay if you need to depending upon your ongoing treatment procedure.