Epidural Stimulation for Spinal Cord Injury

Epidural Stimulation for Spinal Cord Injury

Epidural Stimulation for Spinal Cord Injury in India

A spinal cord is a long, thin, cylindrical structure of nerve fibre and connected tissue covered inside the spine which connects other body parts with the brain. Generally, the spinal cord is protected by the vertebrae. That’s why damage in any part of the spinal cord causes perpetual changes in sensation in some part of the body or it may result in dysfunction of a body part it may be foot or hand. The spinal cord is fitted inside the vertebral canal tightly, it is very sensitive because minor damage to it can lead to spinal cord injuries, as the spinal cord and brain combine to form the central nervous system and conduction pathway between the body and the brain which passes the electrical signals from the brain to the skeletal muscle and internal organs, it may both voluntary and involuntary in the action. Spinal cord injury might be a life-threatening injury because it affects your life in every aspect like mentally, socially and physically.

According to research studies in medical science around the globe, there is always a hope of recovering at least some of the function after the spinal cord injury. People who have lost complete sensation due to spinal cord injuries may still have a chance of recovery. In the meantime, people having spinal cord injuries can lead to better lives through proper treatments and medications. Symptoms that leading to spinal cord injury and its effect on human life-

Damage to any parts of the body doesn’t need any specific way, it may happen in a variety of ways, although the most spinal cord injuries caused to due sudden external traumatic shock. While there are some non-traumatic conditions also exist to damage the spinal cord such as tumors, blood loss, or spinal stenosis. According to research studies, it found that the ratio of spinal cord injury is more in men as compared to women. Major causes of spinal cord injuries may include-

  • Accidents
  • Sudden falls
  • Sports injury
  • Violence
  • Surgical complications
  • Spinal tumors
  • Cancer
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Arthritis
  • Pressure on the spinal cord
  • Blood loss
  • Spinal stenosis

What if suddenly you wouldn’t walk and stand on your feet? The spinal cord controls the major movements of your body and spinal cord injury may affect your limb muscle. The capacity to control your movements after the spinal cord injury mainly depends on two factors:

1) Where the damage occurs?

2) How severe the injury is along the spinal cord?

The spinal cord injuries may classify into 2 categories:

1) Complete spinal cord injury

It means complete loss of sensation and voluntary movements below the level of the injury. Both the sides from the midline of the body are equally affected. There are very fewer chances of recovery in the case of a complete spinal cord injury.

2) Incomplete spinal cord injury

An incomplete spinal cord injury means loss of function above the level of injury and there are some functions that work properly below the level of the injury.  And, in this case, only one side of the body affects majorly than other ones.

Recommended doctors for Spinal Cord Injury Treatment in India

CureIndia helps you choose the right doctor for your medical treatment. Most of the doctors in our associated hospitals have been internationally trained and are active members of many international medical councils and associations. Let's hear from some of the most reputed doctor's for spinal cord injury treatment in India.

1) Dr Sachin Kandhari (Epidural Simulation Specialist)

Dr Sachin Kandhari is the managing director of IBS Hospital and one of it's founding Neurosurgeons. He's a renowned name for Epidural Stimulation for Spinal Cord Injury in India amongst both domestic and international patients. His expertise and special interests are in the field of  Spinal instrumentation, Minimal Invasive Spinal Surgery, functional neurosurgery and neuromodulation.


2) Dr Manoj Miglani

Dr Manoj Miglani is the additional director of orthopaedics and spine at Fortis Hospital Vasant Kunj, Delhi. His expertise is in spine surgeries, especially the scoliotic deformities of the spine, minimally invasive spine surgeries, fusions and complicated joint replacement and revision joint replacement surgeries. He has performed various surgeries till date that include Pott’s Spine decompression and fixation, spinal trauma surgeries, Complex Acetabular fractures, Balloon Kyphoplasty, Anterior and Transpedicular Corpectomy, Laminectomy, Decompression, spondylolisthesis, Arthroplasties and various other forms of spinal procedures. He has also done a number of total knee replacement and total hip replacement surgeries.


3) Dr Hitesh Garg

Dr Hitesh Garg has extensive experience in spine surgery and specializes in a comprehensive treatment of numerous conditions affecting the cervical, thoracic, and lumbosacral spine including degenerative disc disease, scoliosis, trauma, infections, and tumors. He has performed more than 2000 spine surgeries including more than 1500 spinal fusions, 250 deformity correction procedures (Scoliosis and kyphosis), 150 lumbar and cervical artificial disc replacements.


4) Dr (prof) Ramandeep Singh Dang

Dr. (Prof) Ramandeep S. Dang has a vast experience in the field of neurosurgery, especially catering to brain and spine disorders. He specialises in Minimal Invasive & Endoscopic Cranio-Spinal Procedures for ailments like Back Pain, Neck Pain, Facial Pain (Trigeminal Neuralgia), Disc Problems & Spine Degenerative Disorders.

Symptoms which are related to the Spinal Cord Injuries

  • Loss of control
  • Loss of balance
  • Loss in the movement of body parts
  • Lack of sensation such as touch, pain, and temperature
  • Loss of hip flexor and legs
  • Difficulty in breathing, urinating
  • Loss of many involuntary functions

Signs of the Spinal Cord Injuries

Some people are more confused in the term sign and symptoms, but they are totally different generally a symptom appears after the worsening of the disease and more specific than the signs. Signs of the spinal cord may see just after the accidents-

  • Back pain
  • Inflammation of the spinal cord
  • Difficulty in walking and balancing
  • Weakness and numbness in any parts of your body
  • Loss of symmetry

Is there a cure for Spinal Cord Injury?

According to the researcher, there is no complete cure for spinal cord injury. It’s a treatment completely depends on how major the injury is because spinal is the most sensitive part of the human body and it forms the nervous system with the brain. Spinal cord injury may affect the sensory and motor system of the body.

If you experience any trauma to neck and head then immediately rush towards the hospital and take the medical evaluation for the spinal cord injury. spinal cord injury doesn’t take time to get symptoms.

Epidural stimulation by spinal stimulator available in India

Epidural stimulation is the technique to provide continuous electric current to the neurological level (lower part) of the spinal cord. In the spinal cord stimulation the small chip inserted inside the covering of the spinal cord which delivers the electric signals on specific sensory stimulation that interrupt with the pain signals in the brain and allows people to voluntarily move their legs who are unable to move their legs due to loss of the control.

In epidural stimulation the stimulation to the spinal cord our induced from the chip inserted into Dura through the insulated wires known as leads, which are placed adjacent to a spinal cord in the epidural space. Using a remote device about the size of smartphone stimulation can be generated to the specific area and the level of the pain and allows paralyzed people to do a voluntary movement. This epidural stimulation technique used to treat people with severe and chronic spinal cord injury due to numerous condition so; they can live their life confidently and independently. Through the remote, we can control the frequency and intensity of the electrical current.

The epidural stimulation technique is of two-stage procedure:

1) Trial stage in which the leads (insulated wire) temporarily placed inside the epidural space through the help of the needles to test the efficacy of the device and also check the comfort of the patient with the tingling sensation stimulates through the device. The trial stage implant is an approximately one-week procedure which can be performed in a hospital or at home.

2) Afterwards, if the patient is habitual with the device than the device permanently implant in the spinal cord. This is a surgical procedure in which the patient will require hospitalization for a week. The patient who took the epidural stimulator technique experience different pain relief from the stimulator. In India, spinal cord stimulator cost is comparatively less than other developed countries in the West. But the treatment is at par with the other developed countries. 

Benefits of the Epidural Stimulation Implant

With epidural stimulation treatment, people with paralysis have got back on their feet. It is the most advanced treatment for empowering patients who have lost voluntary control of their limbs.

  • Observed better temperature regulation
  • Enhancement in the sexual activity
  • Perform voluntarily movement of limbs
  • Progress in the bladder control

Success rates of Epidural Stimulation in India

After the epidural stimulation implant, the patient gets 60% relief from the pain, after stopping all medication when the trial lead kept in only five days. As we already mentioned that every patient who underwent the epidural stimulation implant experience different pain relief from the stimulator. Most successful cases have 50 to 60% decreases in the pain after taking the epidural stimulation surgery. Also, Epidural stimulation is the best way to get a more active lifestyle, perform the voluntary movement of limbs and reduce the medication after having the spinal cord injury.

Epidural Stimulation is the revolutionary technique for patients with spinal cord injuries to get back on their feet.