How long does it take tooth implant to heal?
24 April 2023 0

How long does it take tooth implant to heal?

Dental Implant is a genuine way of modern dentistry for tooth replacement. Implantation consists of several steps such as damaged tooth removal, bone grafting (if required), Implant Post placement, bone growth and healing, abutment placement, and artificial tooth replacement. However, not everyone needs the same steps to be done for dental implants. So, the time frame for healing depends on the requirement of a tooth implant. For example, someone wants a dental replacement for a decayed tooth or an infected one, and another person may require a replacement for a long-time missing tooth. Or in some cases, people want a full mouth dental implant.



The healing time also depends on the location of the mouth. Hence, it takes time for every step and healing for a long-lasting confident smile. The healing period takes 3 months to 12 months longer. You can understand the time requirement of the healing procedure if you get to know the various steps for implants.

dental implants price

Step 1: Damage Tooth Removal

If you have a damaged tooth to be extracted before dental implant surgery, then it will take 1-3 days for healing. Simple extraction or surgical extraction both require 24 to 72 hours or 1 to 3 days for healing primarily. The soft tissues will fully heal within 3-4 weeks. Your dentist will suggest the visit timings for the next steps.

Step 2: Bone Grafting

Bone grafting can be done the same day after tooth extraction. Not everyone required the steps. However, if anyone has severe bone loss, a tooth missing for a long time, or infections, it will take more time to heal. Also, in those cases, it is not possible to do a bone graft on the same day. Hence, dentists may bone graft the area and it may take about 4 months to heal.

Step 3 & Step 4: Implant Post placement and Bone Growth during Healing

The first two steps are also called the preparation steps. Those steps are required for people who lack jawbone or with damaged teeth. For others, titanium post-placement may be the first step. In this step, your dentist will make a small cut through the gums to expose the jawbone beneath. Then, the dentist will drill a tiny hole to screw the titanium post. The titanium post will infuse into the jawbone through the healing process. Important to note, titanium is used here because it does not react with any other chemical, lightweight metal, and feels like a natural tooth. The healing step is called the osseointegration of dental implants. Many dentists leave the gum to heal (osseointegrate) and the healing period lasts from 6 weeks to 6 months.

The healing period also depends on location. The upper jaw titanium post placement may take more time than the lower jaw. The reason is the upper jaw has softer bones than the lower jaw. In addition, you may need several visits during the time for the adjustment of dentures or temporary teeth. And also for the healing of implanting places.

Step 5: Abutment Placement

Depending on your immune system, your implant posts will heal between 2 to 9 months. After that, a small surgery will place the abutment that connects the titanium post. Dentists close the gum tissue around but not over the implant after placing the abutment. You may feel minor discomforts which take around 2 weeks or a month to heal.

Step 6: Artificial Dental Replacement

After the gums heal around the abutment, your dentist will replace the tooth for restoration. Dentists may take the impression of your teeth to restore them with a natural look and perfect fit. It requires 2 weeks to make your artificial dental replacement in a laboratory. Then, a prosthesis will be attached to the dental implant rod after it is placed on the abutment.

Finally, you will get your beautiful smile restored.



How much healing time is required after “Same Day Dental Implant” or “Immediate restoration”?

Same-day dental implants or Immediate restoration means the crown, bridge, and denture are fitted on the same day. Some implants can be done on the same day and one can get a full arch of teeth within a few hours. But the procedure is not well suited for all people. One must discuss it with the dentist for the planning. The healing time of the “Same Day Dental Implants” is 3 to 6 months.

Dental Implants Price

A dental Implant or cost for dental implants are around USD 500 - USD 800 in India. Whereas a full mouth dental implants costs around USD 10,000 - USD 12,000. A significant portion of the total cost of a tooth implant is covered by insurance. If an individual goes to India for dental implants, which would help him with more savings with fruitful and satisfactory results. 

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