In this compelling patient story, Chris, an Australian patient, shares his personal journey of overcoming erectile dysfunction through a penile implant surgery at SCI International Hospital in New Delhi, India.
Due to the high costs associated with treating ED in Australia coupled with limited treatment options, he decided to travel abroad for medical intervention but realized that India had a lasting solution for all his penile health issues.
Chris talks about how simple arrangements were made for travel and accommodation by CureIndia between him and his partner so that the entire program proceeded without any hitch. After consultation on the same day and then an operation the following day, Chris describes the highly professional service he received, which was comprehensive enough to address his erectile dysfunction issues.
He also underscores some of the advantages of erectile dysfunction treatment India offers. It includes low prices compared to those back home, doctors trained from other countries besides India, and a health care system that lays more emphasis on caring about its patients’ lives than any other aspect; it is through this patient-centric care that maintains safety first at all times.
Those looking for a penile implant or other methods to cure erectile dysfunction need only listen to Chris tell why he thinks SCI International Hospital plus plant cure is worth seeking out due to their excellent help given during the service delivery period and their understanding about each patient’s’ unique needs.